Spiced Broad Beans

Spiced Broad Beans

by Wanshanhong

4.9 (1)







Broad bean contains calcium, zinc, manganese, phospholipids, etc., which are important components for regulating the brain and nerve tissues, and is rich in chostone, which has the effect of enhancing memory and brain strengthening. The calcium in broad beans is beneficial to the absorption and calcification of calcium by bones, and can promote the growth and development of human bones. Broad beans are rich in protein and contain no cholesterol, which can improve the nutritional value of food and prevent cardiovascular diseases. If you are dealing with an exam or a mental worker, eating fava beans properly may have some effect. The vitamin C in broad bean can delay arteriosclerosis, and the dietary fiber in broad bean hull can lower cholesterol and promote bowel movement. Modern people also believe that broad beans are also one of the anti-cancer foods, which have an effect on the prevention of bowel cancer.
I bought fresh broad beans today and cooked them in the simplest way. They can be cooked as side dishes or snacks. "


Spiced Broad Beans

1. Bought fresh broad beans

Spiced Broad Beans recipe

2. Peel the beans and wash

Spiced Broad Beans recipe

3. Prepare the cooking ingredients: 30 peppers, 1 star anise, 2 dried chilies, 5 bay leaves, 20g ginger, 3g cinnamon salt.

Spiced Broad Beans recipe

4. Boil water into the pot, add all the seasonings and beans

Spiced Broad Beans recipe

5. Cook it for 5-8 minutes. After being cooked, soak for 1-2 hours before eating to make it more delicious.

Spiced Broad Beans recipe


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