Spicy Chicken Shreds

Spicy Chicken Shreds

by History fire

4.7 (1)







Spicy chicken shreds, eat well!


Spicy Chicken Shreds

1. There is a roast chicken in our refrigerator. I haven't eaten it. There is too much oil. I just thought about how to eat it. Then I came up with this very simple method. First, put the chicken in a pot and steam it, because it is It's cooked, so just open the pot. Tear off all the chicken with your hands, and then tear each piece of meat into strips

Spicy Chicken Shreds recipe

2. Tear into such shredded chicken and put it on the plate.

Spicy Chicken Shreds recipe

3. Mixing chicken shreds is also very simple. As long as one spoonful of sesame oil, one bottle of Lao Gan Ma can be done. According to your taste, add the appropriate amount of Lao Gan Ma and sesame oil, and then mix them together. It is very simple, just tear the chicken shreds. It’s more troublesome, but the steps are very simple, the raw materials are also very simple, it is easier for everyone to accept, and it is hot and spicy enough!

Spicy Chicken Shreds recipe


In this dish, the chicken must be cooked roasted chicken, so it only needs to be steamed slightly, without bones, in case the throat gets stuck when eating.


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