Steamed Abalone with Garlic Vermicelli

Steamed Abalone with Garlic Vermicelli

by Espresso light mood

4.6 (1)







Abalone is one of the precious sea treasures and was only used in the court before. Nowadays, abalone is becoming more and more homely, and there are various cooking methods. The method of this abalone described below should be regarded as the simplest homely way of eating.

Abalone’s nutritional value is also very high, and the whole body is treasure, including abalone shells can be used as medicine, abalone meat can extract a biologically active substance called Baolingsu, experiments show that it can improve immunity and destroy cancer The cell metabolism process can increase the tumor inhibition rate, but does not damage the body's normal cells, and has the effect of protecting the body's immune system. Abalone can regulate blood pressure in both directions. The reason is that abalone can "nourish yin, calm the liver and strengthen the kidney", and can regulate adrenal secretion. Abalone has the effects of regulating menstruation, moisturizing dryness and benefiting the intestines, and can cure irregular menstruation, constipation and other diseases.
The shell of abalone, the traditional Chinese medicine called Shijue Ming, because of its ability to improve eyesight and retreat haze, ancient books also call it "splendid light". Shijue Ming also has the effects of clearing heat and calming liver, nourishing yin and suppressing yang, and can be used to treat dizziness, high blood pressure and other inflammations. The colorful nacre of the abalone shell can also be used as a raw material for decorations and shell carving techniques.

Abalone is nourishing but not dry, nourishing the liver and improving eyesight. As early as years ago, Europeans had regarded abalone as a kind of fresh food, known as "soft gold on the table"; in China during the Qing Dynasty, there was a so-called "full abalone feast" in the court. According to the information, during the pilgrimage of officials from all over the coastal areas, most of the dried abalones were tributed as gifts. First-grade officials paid one abalone, and seventh-grade officials paid tribute to seven-head abalone. By analogy, abalone was linked to the rank of officials, showing that they enjoyed their taste. The value of "Crown of Dried Seafood".

According to Chinese medicine, abalone can calm the liver and suppress the yang, relieve fever and improve eyesight, quench thirst and relieve leaching; it is mainly used for treating liver-heat upside-down, dizziness, skeletal dysfunction, glaucoma cataract, hypertension and fundus bleeding.

Allusions about abalone

In 1688, Galdan took advantage of the infighting of the three Mongolian tribes in Mobei and led 30,000 troops to cross the Hangai Mountain and attack the three pastures. Emperor Kangxi, the ancestor of the Qing Dynasty, made his own conquest, making his brother Fuquan a general of Fuyuan, and his brother Changning a general of Anbei, and the Qing soldiers from the left and right wings went out of Gubeikou and Xifengkou.

The Galdan army is about 30,000 people, standing on the mountain to block the water, and lay down on the ground with ten thousand camel feet, covered with wet felt, and stacked with boxes on the back. They are lined up under the mountain. The sergeants fired arrows and fired their guns in the gaps. The name is "Camel City". Kangxi launched a fierce attack on the Galdan army. First, the "Camel City" was bombarded with fierce artillery fire. The Galdan army also fired back artillery fire. The artillery from both sides rang, shaking the earth. After half a day of fierce fighting, the Qing army’s artillery destroyed the "Camel City" of the Gardan army, and then the Qing army launched an offensive. The sergeants of the two sides launched a desperate battle, and the Gardan army was undefeated.

At the celebration banquet, Kangxi ordered the imperial chef to cook an abalone for each general. He smiled and said, "I am the imperial driver, and I have more help from the Qing family, so I will reward each person with an abalone." Everyone was happy. Since then, abalone has been listed as a must-have treasure for the Qing court's palace banquet, and later developed the "full abalone banquet" in the palace. "


Steamed Abalone with Garlic Vermicelli

1. The vermicelli is cut short and soaked in warm water to soften.

Steamed Abalone with Garlic Vermicelli recipe

2. Rinse the abalone, and then use a small toothbrush to clean the shell.

Steamed Abalone with Garlic Vermicelli recipe

3. Use a knife to dig out the abalone meat.

Steamed Abalone with Garlic Vermicelli recipe

4. Remove the internal organs and rinse the abalone meat.

Steamed Abalone with Garlic Vermicelli recipe

5. Cut a few cuts vertically on the surface of the abalone, don't cut it.

Steamed Abalone with Garlic Vermicelli recipe

6. Then cut the abalone meat horizontally for a few knives without cutting it. At this time, the surface of the abalone is in the form of small particles.

Steamed Abalone with Garlic Vermicelli recipe

7. Put the soaked vermicelli in the abalone shell.

Steamed Abalone with Garlic Vermicelli recipe

8. Put abalone meat on the vermicelli.

Steamed Abalone with Garlic Vermicelli recipe

9. Squeeze the garlic into garlic paste.

Steamed Abalone with Garlic Vermicelli recipe

10. Pour the oil in the pot to heat, add the garlic paste and saute, then pour the steamed fish soy sauce and stir well.

Steamed Abalone with Garlic Vermicelli recipe

11. Pour the garlic paste evenly on the abalone.

Steamed Abalone with Garlic Vermicelli recipe

12. Put it in the steamer and steam for 5-6 minutes after boiling.

Steamed Abalone with Garlic Vermicelli recipe

13. After the abalone is steamed, sprinkle chopped shallots, chopped red pepper, and a little garlic on the surface of the abalone, and then pour it in a little bit of oil to create a fragrant flavor.

Steamed Abalone with Garlic Vermicelli recipe


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