Steamed Egg with Clams

Steamed Egg with Clams

by Line line 3896

4.7 (1)







There are many ways to steam eggs with clams. Steamed eggs with clam shells are very attractive. Considering the convenience of eating, I removed the clam shell. "


Steamed Egg with Clams

1. Two eggs with a net weight of 102 grams

Steamed Egg with Clams recipe

2. Add 102 grams of water with the same weight.

Steamed Egg with Clams recipe

3. Stir well and sieve.

Steamed Egg with Clams recipe

4. Put proper water in the steamer, put it in the egg bowl after boiling, and cover it with a plate or plastic wrap. There is also a steaming method in which nothing is covered, but the lid is lifted and deflated every 30 seconds.

Steamed Egg with Clams recipe

5. The surface of the egg liquid is slightly solidified.

Steamed Egg with Clams recipe

6. Pick up 7 clams from the blanched clams and arrange them neatly into a bowl.

Steamed Egg with Clams recipe

7. Steam until the egg is solidified.

Steamed Egg with Clams recipe

8. Sprinkle diced chives and diced red pepper as garnish.

Steamed Egg with Clams recipe

9. Put 1 teaspoon of light soy sauce, 1 teaspoon of balsamic vinegar in a small bowl, add 1 teaspoon of water, add 2 drops of sesame oil, and mix well. Gently pour into the steaming bowl.

Steamed Egg with Clams recipe

10. Serve it, ready to eat.

Steamed Egg with Clams recipe

11. The tender custard and the delicious clam meat are delicious.

Steamed Egg with Clams recipe


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