Stewed Chicken with Mushrooms

Stewed Chicken with Mushrooms

by hlybb

4.8 (1)




1h 30m



There are many ways to cook chicken. This way, the chicken absorbs the taste of shiitake mushrooms and is not too salty, so the soup can be drunk.


Stewed Chicken with Mushrooms

1. Soak the mushrooms half a day in advance

Stewed Chicken with Mushrooms recipe

2. Prepare a bowl of bone soup in advance

Stewed Chicken with Mushrooms recipe

3. Wash the chicken, chop into pieces, scald the blood with boiling water, and drain

Stewed Chicken with Mushrooms recipe

4. Scrape and slice ginger, peel off garlic

Stewed Chicken with Mushrooms recipe

5. Heat oil in the pan, fry the ginger and garlic a few times, pour the chicken together and stir fry

Stewed Chicken with Mushrooms recipe

6. Sprinkle some salt and continue to stir fry until the chicken is slightly browned

Stewed Chicken with Mushrooms recipe

7. Prepare a casserole and pour the chicken

Stewed Chicken with Mushrooms recipe

8. Pour the bone broth into the casserole. The broth should cover the chicken slightly. If it is not enough, add a little boiling water, cover the lid, and cook on high heat.

Stewed Chicken with Mushrooms recipe

9. In the meantime, cut the soaked shiitake mushrooms into 2-3 pieces, and drain the water

Stewed Chicken with Mushrooms recipe

10. Bring the chicken broth to a boil on high heat, turn to low heat and cook for another 15 minutes

Stewed Chicken with Mushrooms recipe

11. Add the shiitake mushrooms to the chicken pot, close the lid, and continue to cook for 15-20 minutes

Stewed Chicken with Mushrooms recipe

12. Poke the chicken with your chopsticks. It can be easier to poke in. Turn off the heat, cover the lid and let it simmer for a while, then it will be out of the pot.

Stewed Chicken with Mushrooms recipe


The degree of softness of the chicken depends on how you like to grasp the heating time.


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