Stir-fried Peanuts with Shredded Mustard and Yuba

Stir-fried Peanuts with Shredded Mustard and Yuba

by Flower fish

4.8 (1)








Stir-fried Peanuts with Shredded Mustard and Yuba

1. Ingredients: peanuts (cooked), yuba (soaked), shredded mustard

Stir-fried Peanuts with Shredded Mustard and Yuba recipe

2. Put the soaked yuba on the chopping board and cut it.

Stir-fried Peanuts with Shredded Mustard and Yuba recipe

3. Pour the oil in the pot to heat, add the sliced yuba, peanuts and shredded mustard, and stir fry.

Stir-fried Peanuts with Shredded Mustard and Yuba recipe

4. Then, add an appropriate amount of salt.

Stir-fried Peanuts with Shredded Mustard and Yuba recipe

5. Add the right amount of MSG.

Stir-fried Peanuts with Shredded Mustard and Yuba recipe

6. Stir-fry well and serve.

Stir-fried Peanuts with Shredded Mustard and Yuba recipe


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