String Beans with Minced Meat

String Beans with Minced Meat

by Mother Maizi

4.9 (1)







I have eaten more string beans recently, and they are really delicious! Stir-fry with beef sauce or add some scallops! Today I used minced meat to stir fry! In the end, I made my own wowotou and ate it, not to mention how beautiful it is!


String Beans with Minced Meat

1. Clean the kidney beans, remove their heads and tails

String Beans with Minced Meat recipe

2. Cut into small pellets

String Beans with Minced Meat recipe

3. Sauté minced garlic and red pepper in a frying pan

String Beans with Minced Meat recipe

4. Add pork paste and stir fry, stir-fry until the color changes, add some cooking wine

String Beans with Minced Meat recipe

5. Add the diced kidney beans and continue to stir fry

String Beans with Minced Meat recipe

6. Add some salt to taste

String Beans with Minced Meat recipe

7. Add some sauce to fragrant, add light soy sauce if not

String Beans with Minced Meat recipe

8. Add some Gingerle sauce, if not, add some sweet noodle sauce and hot sauce

String Beans with Minced Meat recipe

9. Add some sugar and continue to stir fry

String Beans with Minced Meat recipe

10. Add some Knorr chicken noodles and stir well before starting the pan, then it will be out of the pan

String Beans with Minced Meat recipe

11. Best paired with minced meat and green beans with Wowotou, delicious

String Beans with Minced Meat recipe


Chopped green beans are easy to taste!
Jingle sauce is a slightly spicy sauce. There is no change to bean sauce or sweet sauce with hot sauce. Adjust it according to your own situation.


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