Stuffed Cowpeas

Stuffed Cowpeas

by Mother Maizi

4.9 (1)







Today, my long cowpea and minced meat are not fried directly. Instead, we changed to a new method of stuffed cowpea. I heard that this is a special home-cooked dish from Shunde, Guangdong. The shape is very interesting. Shunde is rich in dace. In order to enjoy the fish and avoid the trouble of spiny, the locals often remove the bones of the dace and stuff it into cowpeas. We replaced the minced pork without the dace here, which is just as delicious! First put the long cowpea into the water and boil it softly, then weave it into a beautiful wreath, and then stuff it with pork filling. The meat and vegetable pairing is really good! "


Stuffed Cowpeas

1. Put the pork puree in a bowl, add cooking wine, salt, sugar, white pepper, light soy sauce, and chopped green onion.

Stuffed Cowpeas recipe

2. Stir evenly in one direction.

Stuffed Cowpeas recipe

3. For the cowpeas you bought back, choose the thinner ones, which are easy to cook and easy to make.

Stuffed Cowpeas recipe

4. Boil water in a pot, put the cowpea in, add some salt and oil to the water.

Stuffed Cowpeas recipe

5. After cooking for 2 minutes, remove the cowpeas and put them in cold water to rinse.

Stuffed Cowpeas recipe

6. Take a cowpea, roll it up and weave it into a garland, and the excess can be cut off.

Stuffed Cowpeas recipe

7. Take an appropriate amount of pork filling and fill in the middle part.

Stuffed Cowpeas recipe

8. I made 9 stuffed cowpeas in total.

Stuffed Cowpeas recipe

9. Take a small bowl, add 1 tablespoon of light soy sauce, 1 tablespoon of oyster sauce, minced garlic, 1 tablespoon of cooking wine, 1/2 tablespoon of sugar, 2 tablespoons of balsamic vinegar and appropriate amount of water and mix well.

Stuffed Cowpeas recipe

10. Add a little oil to the pan and fry the stuffed cowpea rolls face down.

Stuffed Cowpeas recipe

11. Turn over and continue frying after the mashed pork has changed color.

Stuffed Cowpeas recipe

12. Add the pouring sauce made in advance.

Stuffed Cowpeas recipe

13. Cover the pot and cook for about 5 minutes over medium and low heat.

Stuffed Cowpeas recipe

14. Put the stuffed cowpea out and serve on the plate, then drain the soup and pour the sesame oil on top of the vegetables evenly.

Stuffed Cowpeas recipe


Cowpea is rich in nutrition, and eating cowpea can supplement nutrition and strengthen the body. Cowpea must be cooked, because cowpea has hemolysin and toxic protein. These two substances are toxic and can only be destroyed when cooked. Raw cowpea can cause vomiting or diarrhea.


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