#summer Lazy Recipe#lemon Fragrant Chicken Feet

#summer Lazy Recipe#lemon Fragrant Chicken Feet

by Senyu Baking

4.8 (1)








#summer Lazy Recipe#lemon Fragrant Chicken Feet

1. Wash the chicken feet and cut off the nails.

#summer Lazy Recipe#lemon Fragrant Chicken Feet recipe

2. Divide the chicken feet into three sections (one can also be divided into two, but smaller is better).

#summer Lazy Recipe#lemon Fragrant Chicken Feet recipe

3. Add appropriate amount of water to the pot, add chicken feet, ginger slices and a little cooking wine, and continue to boil for about eight to ten minutes after it is boiled over high heat.

#summer Lazy Recipe#lemon Fragrant Chicken Feet recipe

4. Cut millet spicy and small green pepper into circles, slice lemon and garlic, and cut coriander into sections.

#summer Lazy Recipe#lemon Fragrant Chicken Feet recipe

5. Add rice vinegar soy sauce, white sugar, white wine and cooking wine to the bowl and mix thoroughly.

#summer Lazy Recipe#lemon Fragrant Chicken Feet recipe

6. Drain the cooked chicken feet in cold water and set aside.

#summer Lazy Recipe#lemon Fragrant Chicken Feet recipe

7. Put the drained chicken feet and the chopped ingredients into the prepared soup, stir evenly, cover with plastic wrap and marinate for several hours to enjoy.

#summer Lazy Recipe#lemon Fragrant Chicken Feet recipe

8. Isn't it appetizing just to look at.

#summer Lazy Recipe#lemon Fragrant Chicken Feet recipe


The amount of seasoning is not static, you can adjust it according to your taste.


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