Super Chicken Chop

Super Chicken Chop

by AX sky

4.6 (1)







It’s sold very hot at home. I tried it at home. It feels good. Share it with the fight.

Super Chicken Chop

1. Slice the chicken with the first knife and continue with the second slice. This way a piece of chicken breast can make two. If the slice is not good, it can be frozen slightly so that it will not break easily

Super Chicken Chop recipe

2. Put the salt, chili oil, black-white pepper and soy sauce in the egg mixture and stir well

Super Chicken Chop recipe

3. Put it in the sauce and grab it evenly

Super Chicken Chop recipe

4. Put the flour starch in the container and put a little less salt. If you want a crispy surface, you can add a little baking soda to coat it.

Super Chicken Chop recipe

5. Flour on both sides

Super Chicken Chop recipe

6. Quickly put it in the water and immediately remove it and stick the flour once.

Super Chicken Chop recipe

7. Put the oil in the pot for 4-5 to heat, and the pot is ready to fry until the color on both sides changes.

Super Chicken Chop recipe

8. Drain oil out of the pot

Super Chicken Chop recipe

9. Sprinkle cumin powder on both sides

Super Chicken Chop recipe

10. Make a knife in the middle and cut into strips.

Super Chicken Chop recipe


Super Chicken Chop recipe


If you like spicy food, you can make it and sprinkle some chili powder or black pepper on top with sugar. I don’t like it. Now all kinds of big chicken steaks are sold out and try it at home. It doesn't take much time to do it yourself and clean.


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