Teriyaki Chicken Balls [baby Food Supplement]

Teriyaki Chicken Balls [baby Food Supplement]

by Baby food supplement master

4.7 (1)







This teriyaki chicken meatball for more than 16 months was made by me while waiting for my son to go to school at home. The round meatball shape and the rosy and shiny thick sauce are so good-looking. Greedy.


Teriyaki Chicken Balls [baby Food Supplement]

1. · Reference Moon Age·
Babies who are over 16 months old and are not allergic to food ingredients· Food preparation·
Chicken breast 200g/ egg white 35g/ lotus root 25g starch 15g/ carrot 15g/ shiitake mushroom 1 teriyaki sauce: 2 scoops of tomato sauce/ 1 scoop of vegetable oil/ 1 scoop of soy sauce

Teriyaki Chicken Balls [baby Food Supplement] recipe

2. Put the mushrooms in a boiling water pot and blanch them once.

Teriyaki Chicken Balls [baby Food Supplement] recipe

3. Dispose of the ingredients. Cut the shiitake mushrooms, lotus root, and carrots into finely divided pieces, and cut the chicken breast into small cubes.

* Babies who are more sensitive to the taste of chicken can be marinated with ginger slices in advance to remove fishy. Chicken can also be replaced with other ingredients such as pork and shrimp.

Teriyaki Chicken Balls [baby Food Supplement] recipe

4. Put the diced chicken into the food processor and fully beat it into a delicate chicken puree.

Teriyaki Chicken Balls [baby Food Supplement] recipe

5. Then pour the mashed meat into a bowl, add shiitake mushrooms, lotus root, carrots, starch, and egg white

Teriyaki Chicken Balls [baby Food Supplement] recipe

6. Stir all the ingredients thoroughly.

Teriyaki Chicken Balls [baby Food Supplement] recipe

7. Take an appropriate amount of mashed meat and place it in your hands and arrange it into a round shape.

Teriyaki Chicken Balls [baby Food Supplement] recipe

8. Boil water in the pot. After the water boils, turn to a low heat, and put the chicken meatballs in the pot. At this time, the water must not be in a boiling state, it is easy to scatter the balls.

Teriyaki Chicken Balls [baby Food Supplement] recipe

9. Continue to cook until the balls are floating, and remove them for use after they are cooked.

Big babies who love to eat sauces and flavors, let’s make a healthy version of teriyaki sauce:

Teriyaki Chicken Balls [baby Food Supplement] recipe

10. Pour oil into the pot, add 2 spoons of tomato sauce, 1 spoon of vegetarian oyster sauce, and 1 spoon of soy sauce to the pan, and stir thoroughly evenly.

*Ketchup, vegetarian oyster sauce, soy sauce, these seasonings, remember to choose simple and clean ingredients, which are more suitable for babies to eat.

Teriyaki Chicken Balls [baby Food Supplement] recipe

11. Then add the meatballs, stir-fry evenly, so that the meatballs are covered with a sweet and sour coat.

Teriyaki Chicken Balls [baby Food Supplement] recipe

12. For those who are looking for a sense of ritual, just skew the chicken meatballs for the baby to eat. If you want to be simple and crude, pour it directly into the plate and use it as a side dish.

Teriyaki Chicken Balls [baby Food Supplement] recipe

13. The teriyaki chicken meatballs I made for my baby this time were paired with two-rice rice with whole grains, and a bowl of vegetable egg drop soup, which can be made directly with the leftover egg yolk of the chicken meatballs without any waste.

Meat, vegetables, soup and staple food are complete, let's give the baby a good meal, sweet and sour appetizers, and supplement nutrition!

Teriyaki Chicken Balls [baby Food Supplement] recipe


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