The Love of Food [spicy Crayfish]

The Love of Food [spicy Crayfish]

by Delightful food temptation

4.6 (1)







Crayfish is a worm? Experts explain five rumors about crayfish
1 Crayfish is a worm? [Rumor] Crayfish is not a shrimp, it is a kind of insect, and foreigners do not eat it. [Verification] Peanut, a popular science expert on the husk network, introduced yesterday that crayfish is a freshwater crayfish, belonging to the subfamily crustacea crustacea crayfish subfamily of the arthropod phylum. It also has its own scientific name, Procambarus clarkii. The hometown of crayfish is neither in China nor Japan, but from remote North America. The main habitat is the Gulf of Mexico, especially the area near the mouth of the Mississippi.
2 Used to help the Japanese soldiers deal with corpses? [Rumor] During World War II, the Japanese biochemical unit stationed in China genetically modified the crayfish (the predecessor of crayfish) and transported it to the Japanese military station to feed on uncremated corpses. [Verification] Peanut, a popular science expert on, said that crayfish is the scientific name of crayfish, not its predecessor. Japan introduced crayfish from the United States in about 1927, mainly using them as feed for bullfrogs. In addition, the crayfish were indeed brought to China by Japan. They were also used as feed and food around 1929. The earliest landing site was near Nanjing. But at this time, the War of Resistance Against Japan had not yet broken out, and Nanjing and the surrounding areas were not Japanese-occupied areas, and there was no handling of dead bodies.
3 Most restaurant crayfish come from Hegou? [Rumors] Crayfish farming costs are high, the retail price is generally 2.50 yuan/jin, which is unprofitable. All the crayfish on the market are collected by idle farmers in local river ditches. The more polluted the river, the more crayfish. , The cleaner the water, the faster you die. [Verification] Bian Jiang, assistant to the president of the Chinese Cuisine Association, said that crayfish grow in rice fields and rural ditches, but these alone cannot meet market demand. In addition, crayfish have strong adaptability and reproductive ability, and the cost of breeding is not high. At present, most of the crayfish served in restaurants are artificially farmed. For example, the best "Maxiao" on Guijie in Beijing is mainly from In the Jiangsu area, a franchise store has been established with Jiangsu Xuyi.
4 Excessive heavy metals in the body? [Rumors] Crayfish are highly adaptable to toxic waters. Heavy metals such as lead, mercury, manganese, chromium, and arsenic can accumulate in the body to hundreds of times the normal value. [Verification] Zhu Yi, an associate professor at the School of Food Science and Nutritional Engineering of China Agricultural University, said last night that even if there are heavy metals in the water environment, from the perspective of bioconcentration, they are generally concentrated in the head, but they will not accumulate too much. It is recommended not to eat shrimp heads. Generally, as long as it is legally farmed crayfish, it is not a big problem.
5 Is it related to rhabdomyolysis? [Rumor] Paragonimiasis crayfish can be carried for life, which is easy to cause "rhabdomyolysis"? [Verification] There was a case of rhabdomyolysis in Nanjing in 2010, and the Ministry of Health had stated that it was related to crayfish. However, the specific reasons are still controversial. Popular science expert Lean camel told reporters that eating crayfish may cause "rhabdomyolysis", but the probability is low, and eating other aquatic products may also cause this symptom. "


The Love of Food [spicy Crayfish]

1. The amount of crayfish, add water to scrub the first time, the amount of crayfish, add water to scrub the first time; after all scrubbing, change the water and scrub for the second time, be careful when scrubbing, and wash every place, don’t be afraid of shrimps Clamp your hands, grab the back of the shrimp, brush with the brush, the shrimp will be dizzy;

The Love of Food [spicy Crayfish] recipe

2. Pinch the middle flap of the shrimp tail, twist it and pull it, and the shrimp intestines will come out. The black line on the abdomen of the shrimp is actually the abdominal artery of the shrimp and the motor nerve chain connected to it. The reason why the shrimp can bend the body and possess The ability to bounce depends on this black line in the abdomen, so many people call it prawn tendons colloquially, and it is not necessary to remove it before cooking or eating.

The Love of Food [spicy Crayfish] recipe

3. Open the shell of the shrimp head, but don't break it off. The yellow part is the yellow shrimp. The shrimp is not delicious. This is the gill of the shrimp, the dirtiest part of the shrimp. The gill must be removed when making the crayfish. No The gills are removed, which is not only bad but also dirty. This is to put the head back after cleaning the shrimp gills. It will not fall off when fried. You can remove the shell when you cook it at home, leaving only the yellow shrimp. The crayfish in the restaurant does not remove the head because it is gone. Nothing, can't hold the plate, remember to crack the shrimp tongs, easy to taste;

The Love of Food [spicy Crayfish] recipe

4. Garlic, green onions, spices, and dried chilies in appropriate amounts. Pour dried chilies into the pot and fry them over low heat to remove most of the water. Then pour in the spices and fry together. Listen to the sound and you can judge whether it is fragrant. Don't fire. It is too large and easy to fry. After frying it, pour it out and let it cool; separate the chili and spices with a blender to crush them. Do not crush them too much. Use a blender to powder the spices. Mix the crushed chili and the spice powder evenly;

The Love of Food [spicy Crayfish] recipe

5. Put more oil in the pot and burn it to high temperature oil. The side of the chopsticks bubbling quickly. The oil temperature is right. Pour in the crayfish, and the color will all turn red and then remove. .

The Love of Food [spicy Crayfish] recipe

6. Heat the wok to remove the oil, pour in the garlic, green onions and ginger slices and saute over medium-to-low heat until fragrant. After sautéing, add 1 spoon of Pixian bean paste, 1 spoon of spicy girl chili sauce, 1 spoon of Axiangpo beef sauce, low heat Stir-fry, stir-fry the sauce until fragrant, add the spice chili powder and stir-fry together, pour in the crayfish, add the appropriate amount of broth and pan evenly, add the appropriate amount of the dark soy sauce, then cover the pot and cook on high heat After opening, hit the fire for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, add an appropriate amount of chicken essence, sprinkle with chopped green onion, and serve;

The Love of Food [spicy Crayfish] recipe

7. Finished picture

The Love of Food [spicy Crayfish] recipe


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