The Tomato Beef Noodle Made by My Mother is Really Authentic!

The Tomato Beef Noodle Made by My Mother is Really Authentic!

by Squirrelfish 77

4.9 (1)







I love the tomato beef noodles made by my mother. It is chewy and springy. The beef is tender and tasty. It is not hard or rotten and it is just right. With the chewy and springy noodles, a large bowl of snoring and snoring will be quickly eaten.


The Tomato Beef Noodle Made by My Mother is Really Authentic!

1. Prepare ingredients.

The Tomato Beef Noodle Made by My Mother is Really Authentic! recipe

2. Prepare seasonings.

The Tomato Beef Noodle Made by My Mother is Really Authentic! recipe

3. Cut beef into pieces and rinse with water.

The Tomato Beef Noodle Made by My Mother is Really Authentic! recipe

4. Boil a pot under cold water and blanch it again to remove the blood foam and retain the original soup.

The Tomato Beef Noodle Made by My Mother is Really Authentic! recipe

5. Remove the dry water.

The Tomato Beef Noodle Made by My Mother is Really Authentic! recipe

6. Cut tomatoes into cubes.

The Tomato Beef Noodle Made by My Mother is Really Authentic! recipe

7. Put the oil in the wok and stir fry the flavor.

The Tomato Beef Noodle Made by My Mother is Really Authentic! recipe

8. Put the tomatoes and stir fry evenly.

The Tomato Beef Noodle Made by My Mother is Really Authentic! recipe

9. Add tomato sauce and stir well.

The Tomato Beef Noodle Made by My Mother is Really Authentic! recipe

10. Add the original broth.

The Tomato Beef Noodle Made by My Mother is Really Authentic! recipe

11. Put beef.

The Tomato Beef Noodle Made by My Mother is Really Authentic! recipe

12. Boil in a pressure cooker for 20 minutes.

The Tomato Beef Noodle Made by My Mother is Really Authentic! recipe

13. Season with salt after cooking.

The Tomato Beef Noodle Made by My Mother is Really Authentic! recipe

14. Cook the noodles and remove the water.

The Tomato Beef Noodle Made by My Mother is Really Authentic! recipe

15. Add beef and soup to taste better.

The Tomato Beef Noodle Made by My Mother is Really Authentic! recipe


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