Tomato Beef Stew with Potatoes

Tomato Beef Stew with Potatoes

by Moonlight's small kitchen

4.9 (1)







I like to eat beef, more like tomatoes and potatoes. It is really delicious when stewed together, hehe, the fragrance is greedy and crying for the child next door...


Tomato Beef Stew with Potatoes

1. First prepare all the ingredients.

Tomato Beef Stew with Potatoes recipe

2. After washing the beef, cut it into small pieces with a knife.

Tomato Beef Stew with Potatoes recipe

3. In the soup pot of the Dongling breakfast machine, add an appropriate amount of water, first add the cooking wine, and then add the chopped green onion and ginger slices. After boiling, put the cut beef into the pot.

Tomato Beef Stew with Potatoes recipe

4. After the beef is boiled on high heat, continue to cook for about 5 minutes, then remove and drain the water for later use.

Tomato Beef Stew with Potatoes recipe

5. Pour the peanut oil into the frying pan and heat it up, slowly fry the pepper and star anise on a low heat, and then saute the onion.

Tomato Beef Stew with Potatoes recipe

6. At this time, add the tomatoes diced in advance and pour in the light soy sauce.

Tomato Beef Stew with Potatoes recipe

7. Stir-fry over high heat until the tomatoes are tender.

Tomato Beef Stew with Potatoes recipe

8. Pour an appropriate amount of water into the soup pot and boil it, then add the beef cubes that have been blanched in advance.

Tomato Beef Stew with Potatoes recipe

9. Add the diced potatoes.

Tomato Beef Stew with Potatoes recipe

10. At this time, pour the stir-fried tomatoes into the pot.

Tomato Beef Stew with Potatoes recipe

11. After the fire is boiled, cover the pot and simmer slowly for about 20 minutes.

Tomato Beef Stew with Potatoes recipe

12. When I saw that the soup in the pot became thicker and thicker.

Tomato Beef Stew with Potatoes recipe

13. Add the right amount of salt and chicken essence to taste.

Tomato Beef Stew with Potatoes recipe

14. Bring to a boil and turn off the heat, and sprinkle with coriander.

Tomato Beef Stew with Potatoes recipe


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