Tomato Braised Rice

Tomato Braised Rice

by Lidong 2015

4.7 (1)







It’s getting hotter and I don’t want to be busy in the kitchen, so prepare some ingredients and leave the rest to the rice cooker 😊️"


Tomato Braised Rice

1. Wash the rice and set aside

Tomato Braised Rice recipe

2. Wash the potatoes, peel them, cut into pieces, soak them in water, rinse several times, dry them for later use

Tomato Braised Rice recipe

3. Wash the carrots, peel them, cut into pieces and set aside

Tomato Braised Rice recipe

4. The edamame is poured into the water and dried for later use

Tomato Braised Rice recipe

5. Wash the tomatoes and slice the salami for later use (forgot to take pictures)

Tomato Braised Rice recipe

6. Put the washed rice in the pot, add oil, salt, oil, black pepper, mix well, add the usual cooking water, put the processed potatoes, carrots, edamame, sausage on top, and put tomatoes in the middle (Draw a cross knife on it) Cover the lid and press the steaming button.

Tomato Braised Rice recipe

7. Open the lid and remove the tomato skin

Tomato Braised Rice recipe

8. Stir it, the fragrant braised rice is ready

Tomato Braised Rice recipe

9. Finished product

Tomato Braised Rice recipe

10. Finished product

Tomato Braised Rice recipe

11. Finished product

Tomato Braised Rice recipe


TS: Do not add more water to the steamed rice than the usual steamed rice, and the added vegetables themselves contain water


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