Traditional Egg Fried Rice

Traditional Egg Fried Rice

by n7 leaves.

4.8 (1)







Fried rice with eggs is one of the favorite breakfasts of many children in the north.


Traditional Egg Fried Rice

1. Prepare the ingredients

Traditional Egg Fried Rice recipe

2. Beat the eggs and set aside

Traditional Egg Fried Rice recipe

3. Heat the pan with cold oil and add the egg liquid to scatter

Traditional Egg Fried Rice recipe

4. Wait until the egg mixture is solidified, put in the chives and stir fry

Traditional Egg Fried Rice recipe

5. Pour leftover rice

Traditional Egg Fried Rice recipe

6. Reduce the heat and stir fry evenly, cover and simmer for 10 minutes

Traditional Egg Fried Rice recipe

7. After 10 minutes, open the lid and turn to high heat to stir fry, fry the aroma

Traditional Egg Fried Rice recipe

8. Add a little chopped green onion to taste and it will come out of the pan

Traditional Egg Fried Rice recipe


Simmer on low heat for 10 minutes to disperse the hard leftovers, and then stir-fry it will be very fragrant


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