Tremella Jelly with Sago

Tremella Jelly with Sago

by Flyer

4.9 (1)







Tremella, boiled in sugar water in summer is suitable for moisturizing and beautifying. It not only has the effect of invigorating the spleen and appetizing the stomach, but also has the effect of clearing the intestines, and can also nourish the yin and nourish the lungs. In addition, white fungus can also enhance human immunity and enhance tumor patients' tolerance to radiotherapy and chemotherapy.
Tremella nourishes the lungs, nourishes the stomach, nourishes the yin, nourishes the qi, soothes the nerves, strengthens the heart and invigorates the brain. White fungus is rich in natural plant-derived gums, coupled with its yin nourishing effect, long-term use is a good moisturizer. Moreover, its price is not high, and its cooking methods are various, which is suitable for long-term use.
Drinking a bowl of so many sweetened water in summer feels very refreshing and I feel more comfortable. I cook a big pot and bring a big pot to share with my colleagues. It feels great.


Tremella Jelly with Sago

1. Soak the white fungus in advance.

Tremella Jelly with Sago recipe

2. Wash and chop the white fungus.

Tremella Jelly with Sago recipe

3. Add some cold water to the jelly and mix well.

Tremella Jelly with Sago recipe

4. Pour boiling water while stirring, bring to a boil with low heat, turn off the heat.

Tremella Jelly with Sago recipe

5. Pour it into a plate and let it cool, you can filter it, so that the surface is more beautiful.

Tremella Jelly with Sago recipe

6. Pour boiling water into the sago and cook for 2 minutes, turn off the heat and simmer for 10 minutes, then cook for another 2 minutes, turn off the heat and simmer, repeat several times until the sago is transparent.

Tremella Jelly with Sago recipe

7. Pour it into cold boiling water, soak it, then pick it up for later use, and put it in the refrigerator.

Tremella Jelly with Sago recipe

8. Boil the white fungus with cold water.

Tremella Jelly with Sago recipe

9. Bring to a boil and simmer for 20 minutes. Pour in rock sugar to taste.

Tremella Jelly with Sago recipe

10. Pour the jelly and sago into the bowl, pour the white fungus soup, and add the eggs. Pour the milk, if you don't like it, you can leave it alone. If you like it cold, you can put it in the refrigerator before eating.

Tremella Jelly with Sago recipe


1. The jelly must be stirred while cooking, otherwise it will be easy to paste.
2. After the sago is boiled and transparent, soak it in cold water so that the sago will not stick to each other.


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