Vegetarian Fried Carrot Meatballs

Vegetarian Fried Carrot Meatballs

by Weilan Weibo

4.7 (1)







Are you still frying leftover rice! Learn from my mother’s specialty dishes. My family has not eaten enough for decades. The method is simple, the outside is burnt and the inside is tender, fragrant but not greasy. It is not only a staple food, but also can be eaten as a dish, snacks are also a good choice. The cold food is not hard, and the whole family rushes to eat every time it is served.


Vegetarian Fried Carrot Meatballs

1. Prepare the ingredients, peel and wash the green radish

Vegetarian Fried Carrot Meatballs recipe

2. Rub the radish into silk with a grater; sprinkle some salt and marinate for 10 minutes

Vegetarian Fried Carrot Meatballs recipe

3. Peel the scallion, wash and chop, if there is no scallion, you can replace it with scallions

Vegetarian Fried Carrot Meatballs recipe

4. Grab the marinated radish to remove the water, take a large pot and add the radish, rice, chopped green onion, egg white, sprinkle with five-spice powder and pepper, stir evenly, add some salt according to your taste

Vegetarian Fried Carrot Meatballs recipe

5. Add appropriate amount of starch and stir evenly to make it viscous

Vegetarian Fried Carrot Meatballs recipe

6. Add sesame seeds and stir evenly. If there is no sesame, you can leave it alone. Add ingredients according to your favorite taste

Vegetarian Fried Carrot Meatballs recipe

7. Add appropriate amount of oil to the pot and heat to 70% hot at medium temperature

Vegetarian Fried Carrot Meatballs recipe

8. Use a small spoon to scoop a spoonful of balls into the pan

Vegetarian Fried Carrot Meatballs recipe

9. Pay attention to stirring with chopsticks to heat the balls evenly, and fry them on medium heat until golden

Vegetarian Fried Carrot Meatballs recipe

10. Take out the pan and serve.

Vegetarian Fried Carrot Meatballs recipe


1. The salt-cured shredded radish has a certain degree of saltiness. When seasoning, pay attention to decide whether to add salt according to your own taste.
2. When adding starch, add it slowly until it becomes sticky. If the amount of ingredients is large, you can increase the amount of egg white or add some radish juice to make it sticky.
3. When the leftover oil is used for cooking again, because it is already cooked oil, the cooking can be fried when the oil is hot, avoiding repeated high temperatures.


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