[vietnam] Fresh Shrimp Spring Rolls

[vietnam] Fresh Shrimp Spring Rolls

by Shangshizhiwen

4.9 (1)







Spring rolls are different from spring cakes in my hometown. In my memory, I always have it on the dinner table when I was young. The golden noodles are filled with sweet bean paste or fried vegetables of various colors. After being fried, they are served as desserts, with a fragrant aroma.

In addition to expressing the meaning of welcoming the New Year, spring rolls usually contain a lot of fresh vegetables in spring, so their nutritional value is very high. After eating the Vietnamese spring rolls, I think this transparent rice skin is really beautiful and simple to make. The cabbage can be soaked softly. It is not greasy at all. It makes the dishes full of color and fresh and refreshing.

The current New Year’s table is not like the big fish and meat when I was a child. What is more attractive is healthy, innovative, and more evenly nutritious delicacies. Then, the spring rolls like this will be more suitable for wrapping vegetables and shrimps after soaking in rice skins.

The spring rolls can't be hidden, and the spring rolls are softly tightened, and then cut from the middle, all kinds of ingredients suddenly appear on the stage. It's so fresh and indifferent, so cute..."


[vietnam] Fresh Shrimp Spring Rolls

1. After washing the shrimp and removing the sand thread, add a little salt and cooking wine, mix well, marinate for 15 minutes, and cook in a pot of boiling water.

[vietnam] Fresh Shrimp Spring Rolls recipe

2. Peel off the shell of the cooked shrimp.

[vietnam] Fresh Shrimp Spring Rolls recipe

3. Beat the eggs, add a little salt and cooking wine, and stir well. Heat a frying pan, add a little oil, wait until the oil is hot, pour in the egg mixture in two times, spread into two egg skins and cut into shreds.

[vietnam] Fresh Shrimp Spring Rolls recipe

4. Wash the potatoes, peel them, and shred them.

[vietnam] Fresh Shrimp Spring Rolls recipe

5. Wash the carrots, peel them, and shred them.

[vietnam] Fresh Shrimp Spring Rolls recipe

6. Cut off the roots of the enoki mushrooms, tear them apart and wash them.

[vietnam] Fresh Shrimp Spring Rolls recipe

7. Wash the lettuce and drain.

[vietnam] Fresh Shrimp Spring Rolls recipe

8. Put an appropriate amount of water in the boiling pot, add the potato shreds after boiling, remove it after cooking, and drain the water.

[vietnam] Fresh Shrimp Spring Rolls recipe

9. Put an appropriate amount of water in the boiling pot, add the carrot shreds after boiling, remove it after cooking, and drain the water.

[vietnam] Fresh Shrimp Spring Rolls recipe

10. Put an appropriate amount of water in the boiling pot, add the enoki mushrooms after boiling, remove them after they are cooked, and drain the water.

[vietnam] Fresh Shrimp Spring Rolls recipe

11. Put potato shreds in a bowl, add appropriate amount of salt, sugar, vinegar, chicken powder, sesame oil, and sesame oil, and mix well.

[vietnam] Fresh Shrimp Spring Rolls recipe

12. Put the carrot shreds in a bowl, add appropriate amount of salt, sugar, vinegar, chicken powder, sesame oil, and sesame oil, and mix well.

[vietnam] Fresh Shrimp Spring Rolls recipe

13. Put enoki mushrooms in a bowl, add appropriate amount of salt, soy sauce, chicken powder, sesame oil, sesame oil, and mix well.

[vietnam] Fresh Shrimp Spring Rolls recipe

14. Soak the spring roll wrappers in warm water for a few minutes, remove them, and spread them on the table. Place two shrimps, then some lettuce leaves, potato shreds, carrot shreds, and enoki mushrooms.

[vietnam] Fresh Shrimp Spring Rolls recipe

15. Fold the spring roll wrappers and roll them into spring rolls.

[vietnam] Fresh Shrimp Spring Rolls recipe

16. Cut it in the middle, divide it into two halves, and swing the plate. Do the same with the remaining spring roll wrappers, put them on the plate and serve with Knorr seafood dipped in fresh dew or sweet chili sauce.

[vietnam] Fresh Shrimp Spring Rolls recipe


1. Use warm water when soaking the spring roll wrappers, do not use hot water, it is easy to soak.
2. The above ingredients are about 3 pieces of spring roll wrappers. You can increase or decrease the amount according to how much you want. If you don't know how to soak the spring roll wrappers, you can soak a few more pieces at a time and pick the whole one.


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