Vinegar Shredded Potato----summer Appetizer, Porridge Side Dish

Vinegar Shredded Potato----summer Appetizer, Porridge Side Dish

by Rice grain 92

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This dish is sour and crispy. It is very suitable for eating and mixing porridge in summer. It is very appetizing. If you make it for children, you can remove the chili and it is also very delicious.

The nutritional value of potatoes:

1. Hezhong nourishes the stomach, invigorates the spleen and promotes dampness: Potatoes contain a lot of starch, protein, B vitamins, vitamin C and other potato shreds, which can promote the digestive function of the spleen and stomach.
2. Wide bowel laxative: Potatoes contain a lot of dietary fiber, which can widen the bowel, help the body excrete metabolic toxins in time, prevent constipation, and prevent the occurrence of intestinal diseases;
3. Lowering blood sugar, lowering lipids, and beautifying skin: Potatoes can supply a large amount of mucus protein with special protective effects to the human body. It can promote the lubrication of the digestive tract, respiratory tract, joint cavity and serosal cavity, prevent fat deposition in the cardiovascular and system, maintain the elasticity of blood vessels, and help prevent the occurrence of atherosclerosis. Potatoes are also an alkaline vegetable, which is beneficial to the acid-base balance in the body and neutralizes the acidic substances produced after metabolism in the body, thus having a certain beauty and anti-aging effect;
4. Supplement nutrition, diure water and reduce swelling: Potatoes are rich in vitamins and trace elements such as calcium and potassium, and are easy to digest and absorb, and are rich in nutrients. In European and American countries, especially North America, potatoes have long become the second staple food. Potatoes are beneficial to the recovery of patients with hypertension and nephritis and edema.
5. Antihypertensive effect: Potatoes have the effects of losing weight, maintaining blood vessel elasticity, excreting sodium and potassium, which are beneficial to hypertensive patients. How to eat: In the morning, wash the potatoes, peel them, rub them into juice with a grater, then add yogurt and drink on an empty stomach. Reminder: Don't choose potatoes with green skin and sprouts. "


Vinegar Shredded Potato----summer Appetizer, Porridge Side Dish

1. The potato ingredients are prepared and peeled.

Vinegar Shredded Potato----summer Appetizer, Porridge Side Dish recipe

2. Potatoes into grating

Vinegar Shredded Potato----summer Appetizer, Porridge Side Dish recipe

3. Soak in water three times, change the water three times, soak for 10 minutes each time

Vinegar Shredded Potato----summer Appetizer, Porridge Side Dish recipe

4. Cut the chili and garlic into pieces

Vinegar Shredded Potato----summer Appetizer, Porridge Side Dish recipe

5. Pour in 6 tablespoons of Yishutang hemp oil, then add garlic and chili, and heat for about 30 seconds

Vinegar Shredded Potato----summer Appetizer, Porridge Side Dish recipe

6. Pour in the potatoes and stir-fry for about 8 minutes on high heat. If the potatoes are a little discolored, add 5 tablespoons of rice vinegar and 2 tablespoons of salt.

Vinegar Shredded Potato----summer Appetizer, Porridge Side Dish recipe

7. Out of the pot

Vinegar Shredded Potato----summer Appetizer, Porridge Side Dish recipe


1. The main point of this dish is to soak the potatoes in water and pass the water three times, otherwise the potatoes are not tasty enough and contain more starch.

2. You can choose hemp oil, which is more suitable for cold dressing, to make this dish, which tastes good and maintains health.


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