White Radish and Scallop Bone Soup

White Radish and Scallop Bone Soup

by Pollution-free cabbage

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As the saying goes, eat radish in winter and eat ginger in summer. White radish is known as ginseng. It has the functions of clearing heat and promoting fluid, cooling blood to stop bleeding, lowering the qi, eliminating food stagnation, appetizing and strengthening the spleen, and removing phlegm. The nutritional value of scallops Very high, it contains a variety of essential nutrients. According to records, scallops also have anti-cancer, soften blood vessels, and prevent arteriosclerosis. A bowl of radish and scallop bone soup is indeed the best choice for autumn


White Radish and Scallop Bone Soup

1. Fresh pork bones and white radishes bought from the market. Fan bones can also be used for the stew, which will be sweeter. The soup from different parts of the pork bones will be slightly different. The bone marrow in the pig tube bone contains a lot of collagen, which can promote wound healing and enhance physical fitness in addition to beauty.

White Radish and Scallop Bone Soup recipe

2. Wash the tube bones, put them in a pot and boil, remove the fishy, remove the drained water and put them in the soup pot

White Radish and Scallop Bone Soup recipe

3. Stew the scallops, bones and two slices of ginger. The amount of scallops depends on the individual. For such a pot of soup, I put ten scallops in it.

White Radish and Scallop Bone Soup recipe

4. The bones and scallops were simmered for more than half an hour before adding the cut white radish. At this time, the bones have been stewed out of oil, adding white radish to stew together will not feel fat, but will be sweeter

White Radish and Scallop Bone Soup recipe

5. Put the white radish in and cook until the middle is completely through, then it can be out of the pot. If you like soft, you can simmer it for a long time.

White Radish and Scallop Bone Soup recipe


White radish and scallop soup is very simple to make. You can put the ingredients directly into the pressure cooker and stew if you don't have time. It's convenient and quick. I am used to cooking with a spoonful of cooking wine when the bones are over water to foam, which can remove fishy. Because I was afraid that the white radish would be cold, I put two slices of ginger in the soup, which can not only neutralize but also remove the fishy smell.


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