

by Sister Mon

4.9 (1)







Healthy low-oil snacks"



1. Material details

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2. Finally, add an appropriate amount of starch and stir evenly.

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3. First, steam the taro and press it into a puree, add an appropriate amount of pepper, and stir evenly with salt.

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4. Then add fried shallots and stir well.

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5. Add an egg yolk and stir well.

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6. The quail eggs are cooked and shelled, and the stirred taro puree is divided into equal parts.

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7. Take a portion of taro mash and add quail eggs to wrap.

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8. The surface is evenly coated with a layer of cooked sesame seeds.

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9. Prepare the right amount of mint flavor.

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10. Spread a little oil on the taro fruit and dip it with mint leaves.

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11. Put it in the fryer, 180° for 15 minutes, and it's ok.

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12. Finished appreciation...

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13. Finished appreciation...

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14. Finished appreciation...

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15. Finished appreciation...

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16. Finished appreciation...

Within recipe


Mint flavor can be added or not.


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