Wolfberry Porridge

Wolfberry Porridge

by HumiL

4.8 (1)







Chinese wolfberry parent-child porridge I call this parent-child porridge. Where is my dad going? The green of the wolfberry leaves and the red of the wolfberry are against each other. Lycium berries are family friendly, clearing the liver and improving eyesight, and the health preservation is interesting.


Wolfberry Porridge

1. Prepare the ingredients

Wolfberry Porridge recipe

2. Pick the wolfberry leaves and wash them for later use

Wolfberry Porridge recipe

3. Soak the wolfberry in warm water for later use

Wolfberry Porridge recipe

4. Wash the rice and cook the porridge, simmer for about 50 minutes

Wolfberry Porridge recipe

5. After cooking the porridge, add a little oil

Wolfberry Porridge recipe

6. Then put the wolfberry leaves in and cook

Wolfberry Porridge recipe

7. Finally, put the medlar and add some salt to taste.

Wolfberry Porridge recipe


1. Oil must be put, remember to use cooked oil.
2. Remember not to cook the wolfberry for a long time, just put it down and stir for 2 times.


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