World's Best Chicken Popcorn

World's Best Chicken Popcorn

by Old Yang's Kitchen

5.0 (1)







Like this kind of chicken rice crackers, French fries, we can make them at home. Save money and health. "


World's Best Chicken Popcorn

1. Dice chicken breasts, marinate with salt, pepper, and egg white for ten minutes.

World's Best Chicken Popcorn recipe

2. Break up the egg yolks and set aside.

World's Best Chicken Popcorn recipe

3. The marinated chicken is coated with starch.

World's Best Chicken Popcorn recipe

4. Dip with egg liquid.

World's Best Chicken Popcorn recipe

5. Roll even breadcrumbs.

World's Best Chicken Popcorn recipe

6. Put the finished green body in warm oil and fry it to golden brown over medium heat.

World's Best Chicken Popcorn recipe


1. Chicken thighs can also be used

2. Don't worry when wrapping chicken rice crackers, pinch it with your hands. If the bread crumbs are not round when rolling, use your hands to round it.

3. For the New Year, you can make more greens, freeze them, and fry them when you eat them.

4. The chicken breast is flat and can be cut into smaller pieces. When the two are stacked together, it will be round.

5. There is no bread crumbs, you can use dried buns to rub the residue.


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