Xi'an Roujiamo

Xi'an Roujiamo

by Yoha Kitchen

4.8 (1)







Roujiamo is the abbreviation of "Meat Jiayu Mo" in ancient Chinese. It is one of the characteristic snacks in Northwest China. It is mainly based on "Baked Juice Roujiamo" (pork) in Shaanxi and "Mutton Roujiamo" in Ningxia. Roujiamo with preserved sauce is a famous snack in Xi'an and a famous snack in Shaanxi Province.
I can't go to the local area to taste delicious food, but I can enjoy it myself at home.


Xi'an Roujiamo

1. Flour, water, yeast and dough, set aside to ferment

Xi'an Roujiamo recipe

2. It doesn’t need to be too thick, and the fermentation time for steamed buns is half shorter than usual; the dough is kneaded and smoothed and rolled into long strips.

Xi'an Roujiamo recipe

3. Divide into 10 doses

Xi'an Roujiamo recipe

4. Take a potion, squeeze it, roll it up, and roll it up from top to bottom

Xi'an Roujiamo recipe

5. Rolled dough

Xi'an Roujiamo recipe

6. After all rolled up, let it rise for 10-15 minutes

Xi'an Roujiamo recipe

7. After the proofing, the dough is flattened and rolled into a round piece with a concave in the middle and a little higher around the edges; put it into a hot pan and burn it on a high heat.

Xi'an Roujiamo recipe

8. Turn it over in less than a minute, just apply 2 sides

Xi'an Roujiamo recipe

9. Put the dough into the baking tray, put it in the preheated 170 degree oven, bake for 10 minutes

Xi'an Roujiamo recipe

10. Take it out at that time

Xi'an Roujiamo recipe

11. Wash and chop hot peppers

Xi'an Roujiamo recipe

12. Chopped stewed pork; homemade stewed pork

Xi'an Roujiamo recipe

13. Cut the dough in the middle, add meat and peppers, and start eating.

Xi'an Roujiamo recipe


It can also be cooked directly in a pan, requiring a small fire throughout.


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