Xinlan Hand-made Private Kitchen [mushroom Fresh Mustard Strips]-ice Cream with Tears (shu Xiang Lian)

Xinlan Hand-made Private Kitchen [mushroom Fresh Mustard Strips]-ice Cream with Tears (shu Xiang Lian)

by Cat's eye

4.6 (1)







Xinlan Hand-made Private Kitchen [Mushroom Fresh Mustard Strips]-Ice Cream with Tears (Shu Xiang Lian)
Glasses and Siyao are immersed in the river of love and the sea of books. The so-called book has its own Yan Ruyu and its own golden house. Everything in the outside world seems to have nothing to do with them. All poverty and hardship are sweet...
Glasses love reading. For him, books and Siyao are the most important things in his life besides his parents and siblings. He is reading all the time, when eating, before going to bed, when walking, when going to the bathroom... Siyao jokingly compares his glasses to Qian Weiyan, a poet of Xikun style in the Northern Song Dynasty: "Ouyang Xiu's Return to the Field" contains: He is only good at reading in his life. , Read the history of the classics while sitting, read novels while lying down, and read small words in the toilet. It is the same thing as you, ha ha." The glasses replied in a serious manner: "The history of reading the classics is serious, and you should sit downright; read novels easily, and take a prone posture. Shu Tai; the short and sonorous words may help sink the dantian. Xi Shenggong should be called the model of life with books." Siyao blushed, and smiled: "I hate it, I'm not ashamed of it."
The conversation between Siyao and the eyes is an art, probably this is the so-called sympathy and sympathy.
Siyao looked at the glasses: "Speaking of reading, Confucius proposed three levels of reading in the Analects: knowing, good, and happy. The so-called knowledge is not as good as the good, and the good is not as good as the happy. Song Taizu I read the three volumes of the Imperial Reading Book every day, due to shortcomings, I waited for my free time to make up for it, saying: unwinding is beneficial, and it is a knowledgeable word; and Qian Weiyan’s hand does not release the scroll, and it is more of a good word; and the most reading Su Shunqin is the bold and unrestrained person. He chants with wine and reads every night at the rate of a fight. He treats books as a drink, connects books to books, travels thousands of times, enjoys happiness and alcohol, and reads and tastes together. It's the ultimate pleasure!"
The glasses smiled slightly: "On the exquisite person of the three realms of reading, Wang Guowei, one of the four oracle bones, is one of the four oracle bones. Last night, the westerly wind withered the green trees, alone on the tall buildings, looking all the way to the end of the world. In this first realm, you can climb high and look far away. Don't be afraid of loneliness, knowing the way, you can seek great success; the clothes become wider and eventually do not regret, which makes people haggard for the Iraqi consumption. This second state is also, tirelessly, forgetting to sleep and eat, and perseverance in asking university questions, forgetting things and forgetting me; I looked for him a thousand times and looked back suddenly, but the man was there, in a dimly lit place. In this third state, he couldn't find it hard, and suddenly he suddenly became enlightened and made him feel at ease."
Siyao fell into deep thought, and Wang Guowei's three realms had a new charm under the interpretation of glasses, wonderful. "Zen can also be used in the three realms of reading. The first realm is to look at the mountains as mountains, and to watch the water as water. When you first read, you can see the original world as a young man. The second realm is to see mountains instead of mountains. Water is not water. Reading again like middle-aged through the vicissitudes of life, I suddenly realized that the mountains and rivers that I walked turned into the traces of life; the third level is to see mountains or mountains, and water or water. The third reading is like looking back under the sunset of old age, The mountains and rivers have become the scenery of the heart."
The glasses looked at Siyao in surprise. This woman, who was as soft as autumn water, could realize the beauty of reading in the Zen machine, which was indeed beyond his expectation. Slightly sorting out his thoughts, the glasses went on to say: "Both belong to the front of Zen Buddhism. The first realm is the empty mountain with fallen leaves, where to find the beauty. It is for seeking, seeking up and down and questioning; the second realm is the empty mountain with no one, and the water is flowing. Yes. For nothing, get rid of utilitarianism and forget everything; the third realm is the eternal sky, one wind and moon. It is super, the sky and the moon, and the unity of nature and man."
"Chairman Mao’s poems seem to be used here too. Where do you go in the first realm? The wind and snow on the Ganjiang River; the second realm is the tossing clouds and water, the five continents are shocked by wind and thunder; the third realm is the bleak autumn wind and the wind. Yes, I changed the world. What does Siyao think?" The glasses seemed to be unfinished, shaking his head and indulging himself in the world of literature.
"Yes, the highest realm of reading should be the mellow and beautiful realm of breeze, bright moon, and colorful falling stars. Taking the entity of all things life as the object, in order to glimpse the deep path of the self's soul. Turning the reality into the void, chasing out the miscellaneous and pursuing purity, this It's the ultimate realm of reading. Like love, what you want is the rarest touch of innocence."
The glasses looked at Siyao, this wealthy woman, for the sake of love, willingly stayed in poverty with him, and made his heart warm. Suddenly he thought of something: "By the way, Si Yao, where is my "Human Words and Words", did you see it?" Si Yao smiled slyly: "Qian Weiyan grows rich and noble, but manages the family frugally and rigorously. We can never get his pocket money until the stipulated time, so we came up with a trick to cheat money-Qian Weiyan has a coral pen and is the most cherished stationery in his life. It is often placed on top of several cases, my children. If anyone wanted to use money, they secretly took the pen and hid it. Qian Weiyan was naturally anxious when he couldn't find his favorite stationery, so he posted a notice in his family and offered a reward of ten thousand dollars. The children had to wait another one or two on purpose. On the day, I pretended to find it for him, and Qian was only happy, and he paid tens of thousands of dollars as expected. In the future, people who want money will see this way of making money, and they will never tire of stealing money. But the acting is also happy to post a reward. This kind of trick can be played five or seven times a year. Hehe, I don’t know how much money you plan to offer to find "Human Words and Words"?"
The glasses smiled blankly: "I'm not more generous than Xi Sheng Gong, a poor boy, I can only come to Bo Si Yao with cheap and delicious mushrooms and fresh mustard sticks, and I hope Si Yao has pity, and give me the book. Xiaosheng is not grateful. Do it, ha ha."
Looking at each other and smiling, the two hands are tightly clasped together, the two hearts are tightly clinging to each other...
End of scholarly love. "

Xinlan Hand-made Private Kitchen [mushroom Fresh Mustard Strips]-ice Cream with Tears (shu Xiang Lian)

1. 1. Peel the old mustard head and cut into thick slices

Xinlan Hand-made Private Kitchen [mushroom Fresh Mustard Strips]-ice Cream with Tears (shu Xiang Lian) recipe

2. 2. Sliced ginger and garlic rice, soaked tempeh, shredded Hangzhou pepper, soaked mushrooms and cut into strips

Xinlan Hand-made Private Kitchen [mushroom Fresh Mustard Strips]-ice Cream with Tears (shu Xiang Lian) recipe

3. 3. Cut the mustard slices into thick strips, soak them in water for half an hour to remove the salt

Xinlan Hand-made Private Kitchen [mushroom Fresh Mustard Strips]-ice Cream with Tears (shu Xiang Lian) recipe

4. 4. Sit in a pot and add oil, add ginger, garlic and tempeh until fragrant

Xinlan Hand-made Private Kitchen [mushroom Fresh Mustard Strips]-ice Cream with Tears (shu Xiang Lian) recipe

5. 5. Add shiitake mushrooms and stir fry for 2 minutes

Xinlan Hand-made Private Kitchen [mushroom Fresh Mustard Strips]-ice Cream with Tears (shu Xiang Lian) recipe

6. 6. Add mustard strips, add MSG, stir fry for 2 minutes

Xinlan Hand-made Private Kitchen [mushroom Fresh Mustard Strips]-ice Cream with Tears (shu Xiang Lian) recipe

7. 7. Xiahang shredded pepper, flavored pepper and salt, fry for 2 minutes

Xinlan Hand-made Private Kitchen [mushroom Fresh Mustard Strips]-ice Cream with Tears (shu Xiang Lian) recipe

8. 8. Pour the steamed fish soy sauce, stir fry evenly, just lift the pot

Xinlan Hand-made Private Kitchen [mushroom Fresh Mustard Strips]-ice Cream with Tears (shu Xiang Lian) recipe


Rory Wow:

1. Peel the mustard tuber and soak in water to remove excess salt and other harmful substances

2. Mushrooms with mustard tuber can increase the taste and aroma of mustard tuber, making home-cooked meals more delicious


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