Yam Cake

Yam Cake

by Lantian Xiaowo

4.7 (1)







Yam is also known as yam, yam, the main function of yam is to nourish the spleen and stomach, nourish body fluids, nourish the lungs, nourish the kidney and astringent essence. It has a health care effect for people who suffer from spleen deficiency and lack of food and chronic diarrhea, lung deficiency and coughing. If you eat yam alone, it is bland and tasteless. Choose some cotton Ordered yam to make yam cakes is a good choice for morning tea and afternoon tea. Let’s take a look at the making of yam cakes. "


Yam Cake

1. Prepare materials.

Yam Cake recipe

2. Peel the yam, wash and cut into pieces to discharge the rice cooker.

Yam Cake recipe

3. Add a small amount of water to boil the yam.

Yam Cake recipe

4. Mash the cooked yam and flour.

Yam Cake recipe

5. Add salt, sugar, milk, and stir well.

Yam Cake recipe

6. Pancakes.

Yam Cake recipe

7. Put the vegetable leaves on the bottom of the pan and put the cakes back into the pan. Spray water for 2 minutes on high heat and 3 minutes on low heat.

Yam Cake recipe


Kindly reminder, dry the pan before putting the leaves, and use a low heat when pancakes.


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