Yam Pigeon Soup

Yam Pigeon Soup

by Crazy Grass (from Tencent.)

4.7 (1)




1h 30m



Rich in nutrition and delicious.


Yam Pigeon Soup

1. The slaughtered and cleaned raw diet ecological pigeons are thawed naturally.

Yam Pigeon Soup recipe

2. Rinse to remove blood.

Yam Pigeon Soup recipe

3. Boiling water, put cooking wine, old ginger, and go to pigeon nao water.

Yam Pigeon Soup recipe

4. Wash the pigeons, put them in an electric pressure cooker, peel, cut into sections of yam and pepper, and pitted gray dates, add appropriate amount of water to press for ten minutes.

Yam Pigeon Soup recipe

5. After the pressure is relieved, open the lid and add medlar and salt, and simmer for about 15 minutes.

Yam Pigeon Soup recipe


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