Yam Pigeon Soup

Yam Pigeon Soup

by Migu's Kitchen

4.7 (1)







In autumn, soup tonic is a good tonic method. The yam and pigeon stewed soup can nourish blood and nourish qi and clear deficiency and heat.
Pigeon meat is rich in protein and various trace elements, and the fat content is very low. It is known as "one pigeon wins nine chickens". Yam is rich in nutrients, has the effects of invigorating the spleen and stomach, replenishing the lungs and relieving cough, and lowering blood sugar. Regular consumption is very beneficial to the body.


Yam Pigeon Soup

1. Prepare the materials.

Yam Pigeon Soup recipe

2. The yam is peeled and cut into pieces soaked in salt water to prevent it from turning black.

Yam Pigeon Soup recipe

3. Boil water, add a little cooking wine in the water, put the pigeon in, remove the blood and foam, remove it, and set aside;

Yam Pigeon Soup recipe

4. Pour an appropriate amount of water into the stew pot, add pigeon meat, yam cubes, and ginger cubes, and simmer for one and a half hours on low heat after boiling.

Yam Pigeon Soup recipe

5. Add medlar and salt to taste 5 minutes before turning off the heat.

Yam Pigeon Soup recipe


1. This soup does not use pigeons, chicken and ribs are good.
2. The yam should be soaked in salt water immediately after it is sliced to prevent it from turning black.


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