Yang Chun Noodles

Yang Chun Noodles

by Money money de dining table

4.9 (1)







I have always liked Shanghai Yangchun noodles. I feel that the soup is clear, tasteful, and the sauce is rich but not dry. However, I have tried it a few times during the production, and each time I have a mouthful of soy sauce. A chance, my friend. I brought this soy sauce to me. The taste is slightly sweet, but it is very fresh. I used it to make Yangchun noodles again today. Unexpectedly, it tastes so good. Anyone who likes it can try it. "


Yang Chun Noodles

1. Prepare the materials in the picture.

Yang Chun Noodles recipe

2. Beat the eggs, cut the white and green onion tails into long sections, and dice the middle part (pictured).

Yang Chun Noodles recipe

3. Add oil to the pot.

Yang Chun Noodles recipe

4. Pour in the egg mixture and fry into egg skins.

Yang Chun Noodles recipe

5. Fried egg crust, shred, set aside.

Yang Chun Noodles recipe

6. Add oil to the pot, add scallion white, and sauté.

Yang Chun Noodles recipe

7. After the scallion is browned, add the scallion (the scallion and the scallion should be in order, so that the scallion is not burnt, and the scallion is not good).

Yang Chun Noodles recipe

8. The chopped green onion is dried (pictured) and served.

Yang Chun Noodles recipe

9. When the fried shallot oil is left in the pot, add proper amount of water.

Yang Chun Noodles recipe

10. Then add 1.5 spoons of "Youyi Xianwei Soy Sauce" and boil.

Yang Chun Noodles recipe

11. Cooked scallion oil soup.

Yang Chun Noodles recipe

12. Put water in the pot, add appropriate amount of salt, and cook the noodles.

Yang Chun Noodles recipe

13. Put the cooked noodles in the scallion oil soup, add an appropriate amount of egg skins, and sprinkle with chopped green onions.

Yang Chun Noodles recipe


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