Yellow Beard Dumplings

Yellow Beard Dumplings

by Winter mood

4.8 (1)







Yellow beard is a plant that grows in saline soil. The locals often make buns, dumplings and other foods. "

Yellow Beard Dumplings

1. Dumpling stuffing ingredients: minced meat, green onions, braised yellow beard.

Yellow Beard Dumplings recipe

2. Dumpling skin materials: flour, water.

Yellow Beard Dumplings recipe

3. Slowly add water to the flour, and stir first with chopsticks. When it becomes a snowflake shape, use your hands to mix the flour into a slightly harder dough.

Yellow Beard Dumplings recipe

4. Put the dough in the basin, and set aside.

Yellow Beard Dumplings recipe

5. Chop the yellow mustard.

Yellow Beard Dumplings recipe

6. Chop green onions into chopped green onions.

Yellow Beard Dumplings recipe

7. Add cooking wine, light soy sauce (4g), dark soy sauce, salt, to the meat filling, and stir in one direction with chopsticks.

Yellow Beard Dumplings recipe

8. Then add bun powder, ginger powder, and cooking oil and stir. During the stirring process, pour a small amount of water into the filling. Stir in one direction until the meat filling is thick and moist.

Yellow Beard Dumplings recipe

9. Add chopped green onion and stir.

Yellow Beard Dumplings recipe

10. After mixing well, add crushed yellow beard.

Yellow Beard Dumplings recipe

11. Add yellow beard.

Yellow Beard Dumplings recipe

12. Stir in the same direction, then adjust the saltiness according to your taste (you can add salt or light soy sauce).

Yellow Beard Dumplings recipe

13. Mix well. At this time, you can adjust the saltiness according to your own taste (if it's weak, you can add light soy sauce or salt, so don't add a lot of salt when mixing the stuffing).

Yellow Beard Dumplings recipe

14. Pour in sesame oil to increase the fragrance.

Yellow Beard Dumplings recipe

15. Pour in sesame oil to increase fragrance.

Yellow Beard Dumplings recipe

16. Mix the meat filling evenly.

Yellow Beard Dumplings recipe

17. Mix well and set aside.

Yellow Beard Dumplings recipe

18. The good dough is moved to the panel.

Yellow Beard Dumplings recipe

19. Move the good dough to the panel.

Yellow Beard Dumplings recipe

20. After a little kneading, knead into long strips.

Yellow Beard Dumplings recipe

21. After a little kneading, rub it into a long strip.

Yellow Beard Dumplings recipe

22. Cut into equal size noodles.

Yellow Beard Dumplings recipe

23. Cut into equal-sized noodles.

Yellow Beard Dumplings recipe

24. Flatten the dough.

Yellow Beard Dumplings recipe

25. Flatten the dough.

Yellow Beard Dumplings recipe

26. Roll it into a thick skin in the middle and a thin skin around it.

Yellow Beard Dumplings recipe

27. Roll out dumpling skins that are thick in the middle and thin around the sides.

Yellow Beard Dumplings recipe

28. Take the crust in your left hand, and put an appropriate amount of minced meat into the crust.

Yellow Beard Dumplings recipe

29. Pack the right amount of minced meat.

Yellow Beard Dumplings recipe

30. After folding both sides in half, pinch the dough tightly with the help of the tiger's mouth of both hands.

Yellow Beard Dumplings recipe

31. Fold the dumpling wrapper in half and pinch the dough tightly with the help of the tiger's mouth.

Yellow Beard Dumplings recipe

32. Wrap the minced meat in the dough and arrange it.

Yellow Beard Dumplings recipe

33. Wrap all the meat in the dumpling wrapper.

Yellow Beard Dumplings recipe

34. Boil water in the pot, put the dumplings in, and push gently with a spatula to prevent the dumplings from sticking to the pot. The dumplings are full of air, and when the skins of the dumplings bulge, the dumplings are mature.

Yellow Beard Dumplings recipe

35. Boil water in the pot, add the dumplings, and push slowly with a spatula to prevent the dumplings from sticking to the bottom of the pot.

Yellow Beard Dumplings recipe

36. Take out and serve.

Yellow Beard Dumplings recipe

37. When the dumpling skin bulges, it matures.

Yellow Beard Dumplings recipe

38. Prepare the dipping sauce and taste the wild vegetable dumplings.

Yellow Beard Dumplings recipe

39. After preparing the dipping sauce, you can taste the yellow beard dumplings with meat.

Yellow Beard Dumplings recipe


Dumplings and steamed buns stuffed with wild vegetables should be filled with more oil, because wild vegetables absorb oil, so less oil is not good.


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