Yellow Bone Fish Casserole

Yellow Bone Fish Casserole

by Nan Xi·Human Fireworks

4.6 (1)








Yellow Bone Fish Casserole

1. Prepare 3 yellow bone fish.

Yellow Bone Fish Casserole recipe

2. Cut a piece.

Yellow Bone Fish Casserole recipe

3. Put all the ingredients in the above ingredient list and stir, because there are too many ingredients and will not be beaten here, let marinate for 10 minutes.

Yellow Bone Fish Casserole recipe

4. I just peeled the onion 3-4 times with my hands, depending on how much you like to put, my onion is too big to use so much.

Yellow Bone Fish Casserole recipe

5. Pour the onion into the fish and stir well, then marinate for another 10 minutes.

Yellow Bone Fish Casserole recipe

6. After the garlic is peeled, lightly pat it with a kitchen knife to peel as much garlic as possible.

Yellow Bone Fish Casserole recipe

7. Put more oil in the casserole.

Yellow Bone Fish Casserole recipe

8. Add garlic and sauté.

Yellow Bone Fish Casserole recipe

9. Put the yellow bone fish in the casserole, cover and simmer for 10 minutes, be sure to low heat, minimum heat.

Yellow Bone Fish Casserole recipe

10. The fish will be cooked after 10 minutes, do not add water to stew, there will be a lot of juice after the fish is cooked.

Yellow Bone Fish Casserole recipe

11. If you don't like onions, you can leave them alone.

Yellow Bone Fish Casserole recipe


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