Zucchini Egg Drop Soup

Zucchini Egg Drop Soup

by Wandering stars

4.7 (1)







Zucchini is rich in nutrition. Using zucchini to cook egg drop soup, the taste is light and the method is very simple.
Zucchini regulates human metabolism and has the effects of weight loss, anti-cancer and anti-cancer effects. Zucchini contains more nutrients such as vitamin C and glucose, especially calcium. Moreover, zucchini is rich in moisture and has the effect of moisturizing the skin


Zucchini Egg Drop Soup

1. Zucchini, egg, green onion

Zucchini Egg Drop Soup recipe

2. Wash the zucchini and cut into thin slices, beat the eggs with salt, and mince the green onions

Zucchini Egg Drop Soup recipe

3. Heat oil in a pan and sauté chopped shallots

Zucchini Egg Drop Soup recipe

4. Add zucchini

Zucchini Egg Drop Soup recipe

5. Fry the zucchini

Zucchini Egg Drop Soup recipe

6. Put in water

Zucchini Egg Drop Soup recipe

7. Pour the egg liquid after the water is boiling

Zucchini Egg Drop Soup recipe

8. Add salt after the egg is solidified

Zucchini Egg Drop Soup recipe

9. Add sesame oil and it will be out of the pot

Zucchini Egg Drop Soup recipe


No need to put chicken essence


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