Lotus Leaf Egg recipes

Fried Lotus Leaf Egg with Black Fungus and Onion

Onion, Lotus Leaf Egg, Black Fungus

Fried Lotus Leaf Egg with Shrimp

Fresh Shrimp, Lotus Leaf Egg, Scallions

Fried Potatoes with Lotus Leaf Egg

Potato, Lotus Leaf Egg, Chopped Pepper

Shrimp and Lotus Leaf Egg

Fresh Shrimp, Lotus Leaf Egg, Sliced Ginger

Fried Tofu and Roasted Lotus Leaf Egg

Old Tofu, Lotus Leaf Egg, Chopped Green Onion

Fried Lotus Leaf Egg with Edamame

Edamame, Lotus Leaf Egg, Dried Chili