White Lotus Paste recipes

Snowy Mooncake

Glutinous Rice Flour, Sticky Rice, Starch

Cantonese White Lotus Mooncake

Low-gluten Flour, Invert Syrup, Alkaline Water

Snowy Mooncake

Ice Powder, Red Bean Paste, White Lotus Paste

Three-color Bread

High-gluten Flour, Egg, Butter

Rose•rose Filling——rose Snowy Mooncake

Ice Skin Material, Glutinous Rice Flour, Sticky Rice

Cantonese Moon Cakes with Various Fillings

Low-gluten Flour, Invert Syrup, Salad Oil

Snowy Mooncake with Lotus Seed Paste and Egg Yolk

Glutinous Rice Flour, Rice Noodles, Starch

Cantonese-style Lotus Seed Paste Moon Cake

All-purpose Flour, Invert Syrup, Peanut Oil