Ants on The Tree

Ants on The Tree

by Huaer's gourmet kitchen

4.9 (1)







This vermicelli minced meat is a famous Sichuan dish: Ants go up the tree. Because the minced meat sticks to the vermicelli, it looks like an ant climbing on the branch, hence the name. The taste is delicate and smooth. Thanks to the Pixian bean paste, it is spicy and delicious.


Ants on The Tree

1. Prepare the ingredients you need. The vermicelli is soaked in warm water, cut an appropriate amount of chopped green onion, minced ginger, minced garlic, and a little chopped green onion. If you like the spicy taste, you can also put two small peppers.

Ants on The Tree recipe

2. Sit in a hot oil pan, add an appropriate amount of oil, the oil should be hot enough, and then stir-fry the minced meat.

Ants on The Tree recipe

3. After the minced meat changes color, push it aside, add chopped green onion, minced ginger and minced garlic until fragrant.

Ants on The Tree recipe

4. Add a spoonful of Pixian bean paste, stir-fry the red oil and stir-fry the minced meat well.

Ants on The Tree recipe

5. Add half a spoon of cooking wine, 1 tablespoon of light soy sauce, and a pinch of salt.

Ants on The Tree recipe

6. Add an appropriate amount of boiling water and add the vermicelli.

Ants on The Tree recipe

7. Use chopsticks to disperse the vermicelli, turn the heat to a low heat and cover the lid until the juice is collected.

Ants on The Tree recipe

8. The rich broth penetrates into the vermicelli and the minced meat, just sprinkle with chopped green onions when it comes out of the pot.

Ants on The Tree recipe


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