Asparagus Scrambled Boiled Eggs

Asparagus Scrambled Boiled Eggs

by Meimeijia's Kitchen

4.7 (1)







Although eating more vegetables and less meat can help lose weight, in fact, many people are easy to step on thunder in this part of eating vegetables. How to choose vegetables during weight loss is the most important.

Comparing the calorie tables of various vegetables, we first selected several dishes that can only be used as staple foods. Potatoes, lotus roots, yams, water chestnuts, taro, peas, edamame, broad beans, etc. They contain high energy and are full of food. So if these foods are on the table, it is best to eat less rice.

What ingredients can I eat to achieve the effect of weight loss? In addition to the well-known lettuce and zucchini, there is also a treasure ingredient-asparagus.
Asparagus has always been known as the "King of Vegetables" because of its high nutritional content. The content of nutrients such as protein and vitamins in asparagus is much higher than other vegetables, and asparagus also contains selenium, which has the effect of preventing cancer.

Asparagus is also a veritable "king of weight loss" because 95% of its ingredients are water and its calories are very low. 100g of cooked asparagus only contains 19 calories.

Asparagus is very seasonal, so it can only be eaten in spring. The asparagus just unearthed in spring not only tastes fresh and tender, but also contains more chlorophyll and trace elements, so the ladies who love beauty should hurry up and eat it.

Asparagus is not as home-cooked as potatoes and sweet potatoes, so many people will only cook asparagus by stir-frying or boiled. Although it is nutritious and delicious, the taste is still too light for Nuannuan, so this time I use asparagus. Let’s make one—【egg wrapped asparagus】.

For young ladies who want to lose weight but refuse to eat too little, this dish is definitely a treasure. High-protein eggs are the best ingredients for supplementing protein and enhancing satiety during weight loss. The yolks are wrapped with refreshing asparagus, and a little light soy sauce is added to taste. The taste is excellent with less oil and salt!

Next, Meimei will serve this weight-loss meal, come and study together~


Asparagus Scrambled Boiled Eggs

1. Although asparagus is delicious, it is not easy to choose it. It must be fresh and tender, which is a problem for novice housewives. Asparagus is more delicate, and you have to eat it when you buy it, otherwise it will lose its texture and it will not be crispy.
The leaf sheath of the perfect asparagus head is tight, with no opening at the top, no dry feeling, and no blackening. The core part of asparagus is in the middle. If conditions permit, choose asparagus as thick as possible. If the leaf sheath is a regular triangle, it means that the water is still sufficient.

Asparagus Scrambled Boiled Eggs recipe

2. Cut the asparagus into diagonal sections and set aside.

Asparagus Scrambled Boiled Eggs recipe

3. Boil the eggs first, soak them in cold water for a while, remove the shells and prepare them in advance. I usually cook a few more for breakfast.

Asparagus Scrambled Boiled Eggs recipe

4. After the boiled egg is cut in half, each portion is cut into quarters. Cut the egg whites into small pieces to make it more flavorful, and it doesn’t matter if the yolk is loose.

Asparagus Scrambled Boiled Eggs recipe

5. Boil a pot of water and add a little.

Asparagus Scrambled Boiled Eggs recipe

6. Add enough water and a little salt to the boiling pot, and then add a few drops of cooking oil to the pot. After the high heat boils to a full boil, continue to maintain the high heat, then pour the asparagus and blanch until it is broken.
The method of blanching asparagus seems simple, but there are two precautions that must not be ignored. One is to boil the water in the pot to a full boil before pouring the asparagus, and the other is to add a little salt to the pot. With a few drops of cooking oil, they will keep the asparagus beautifully emerald green.
Adding some salt when blanching vegetables can also reduce the loss of nutrients, because salt can slow down the loss of nutrients in vegetables, and at the same time, it can also make the vegetables add a bit of flavor in advance, so that the processed asparagus will be better when fried .

Asparagus Scrambled Boiled Eggs recipe

7. Heat the oil pan to 50% heat, and sauté the minced garlic.

Asparagus Scrambled Boiled Eggs recipe

8. Pour the processed asparagus into the pot and stir-fry on high heat so that the asparagus is evenly coated with grease.

Asparagus Scrambled Boiled Eggs recipe

9. Pour the egg slices into the asparagus and stir fry together for a few times. The eggs and asparagus are cooked, so just mix well and don't need to fry for a long time to keep the asparagus refreshing.

Asparagus Scrambled Boiled Eggs recipe

10. Pour in light soy sauce, add salt as appropriate, and mix well.

Asparagus Scrambled Boiled Eggs recipe

11. Finally, pour in a little water and stir until the water is slightly dry and the egg yolk is evenly coated on the asparagus. If the taste is heavier, the boiled egg can be replaced with salty and light yellow, and it will be more delicious when it is fried, but the salt content of salted egg yolk is relatively high, which is not conducive to weight loss.

Asparagus Scrambled Boiled Eggs recipe


70% of the asparagus is water. The roots of the purchased asparagus can be soaked in water for a period of time to make it "drink" full; if it is too late to eat that day, you can also soak the roots in water like a flower arrangement, it will be very hard. It’s very absorbent, just add 5~10 cm of water that hasn’t reached the roots.
Usually the asparagus sold on the market will bring the roots. It has the effect of reducing the loss of asparagus juice and can extend the preservation time. When eating, cut off the bottom directly.
All ingredients with high oxalic acid content should be blanched first when cooking. No matter which cooking method is used, it is best to blanch them first.
The asparagus is blanched and then cooked, which can shorten the heating time during the cooking process, thereby reducing the loss of heat-labile nutrients such as vitamins, and the resulting dishes will have a bright color and crisp texture.


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