Assorted Meat Stuffed Bean Soak

Assorted Meat Stuffed Bean Soak

by Niu Ma Kitchen

4.7 (1)







This delicacy is my favorite mom's delicacy in my heart. Because everyone around me loves this dish. Every time it is steamed, there is no need to pour the gorgon juice, so the cats will take a few. It was the same as last night, and it was steamed. When the boss came, there were two, and the elder sister came. I don’t even have to mention one. I don’t need to count the four. There are only ten for a plate. Ha ha ha If you want your family to eat it full, you must make a second set. This delicacy is also plausible rather than dominant, meaning that it can be used as a staple food because it has beans and meat. It can be considered a perfect combination of beans and meat.
Listening to what I said is so good, I will give you the assorted minced pork stuffed bean paste that Niu Ma family loves to eat. I also hope you like it."


Assorted Meat Stuffed Bean Soak

1. Prepare bean paste, dried shrimp, dried vegetables, pork.

Assorted Meat Stuffed Bean Soak recipe

2. Chopped pork, shrimp and dried vegetables into assorted minced meat and set aside.

Assorted Meat Stuffed Bean Soak recipe

3. Add appropriate amount of soy sauce.

Assorted Meat Stuffed Bean Soak recipe

4. Add an appropriate amount of cooking wine.

Assorted Meat Stuffed Bean Soak recipe

5. Stir until evenly flavored, then marinate for about half an hour.

Assorted Meat Stuffed Bean Soak recipe

6. When the beans are soaked, pierce a hole out with chopsticks, and stuff the marinated minced meat into it.

Assorted Meat Stuffed Bean Soak recipe

7. Stuff all the bean paste with assorted minced meat and set aside.

Assorted Meat Stuffed Bean Soak recipe

8. Add water to the wok, put it on the steamer, and steam for about 20 minutes.

Assorted Meat Stuffed Bean Soak recipe

9. Start another pot and boil water to make a sauce-flavored leek.

Assorted Meat Stuffed Bean Soak recipe

10. Pour the mashed gorgon juice onto the steamed bean paste.

Assorted Meat Stuffed Bean Soak recipe

11. A flavorful assorted minced pork stuffed with beans is completed.

Assorted Meat Stuffed Bean Soak recipe


Why add a sauce-colored gorgon: Because I tasted the bean bubble without thickening, and found that the taste is not so strong and too weak, so I added a sauce-colored gorgon to increase its taste. Dear friends can also refer to it like this.


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