Banana Red Date Whole Wheat Ruan

Banana Red Date Whole Wheat Ruan

by Happy beans ht

4.7 (1)







Found a good way to consume ingredients and knead them into the dough

Banana Red Date Whole Wheat Ruan

1. Weigh all the ingredients for later use, put all the ingredients except butter and red dates into the bread machine and knead them into a smooth dough

Banana Red Date Whole Wheat Ruan recipe

2. Add butter and continue kneading

Banana Red Date Whole Wheat Ruan recipe

3. Knead to the complete stage, can pull out a flexible film

Banana Red Date Whole Wheat Ruan recipe

4. Add the red dates and stir evenly

Banana Red Date Whole Wheat Ruan recipe

5. Kneaded dough is fermented at room temperature

Banana Red Date Whole Wheat Ruan recipe

6. About 1 hour, use your fingers to dip your fingers in flour and poke holes without shrinking, that is, the fermentation is complete.

Banana Red Date Whole Wheat Ruan recipe

7. Exhaust, divide equally into 2 doughs, let stand for 10 minutes

Banana Red Date Whole Wheat Ruan recipe

8. Exhaust, roll up and roll up from top to bottom

Banana Red Date Whole Wheat Ruan recipe

9. After the shaping is completed, the second fermentation will be carried out

Banana Red Date Whole Wheat Ruan recipe

10. Preheat the oven at 160 degrees for 15 minutes. After the second fermentation is completed, the surface is sifted into the high-gluten flour

Banana Red Date Whole Wheat Ruan recipe

11. Use a sharp blade to cut out the pattern you like

Banana Red Date Whole Wheat Ruan recipe

12. Put it in the oven, 160 degrees 45 minutes

Banana Red Date Whole Wheat Ruan recipe

13. Let cool

Banana Red Date Whole Wheat Ruan recipe

14. Finished product

Banana Red Date Whole Wheat Ruan recipe

15. Finished product

Banana Red Date Whole Wheat Ruan recipe

16. Internal organization

Banana Red Date Whole Wheat Ruan recipe

17. Internal organization

Banana Red Date Whole Wheat Ruan recipe

18. Finished product

Banana Red Date Whole Wheat Ruan recipe

19. Finished product

Banana Red Date Whole Wheat Ruan recipe


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