Beef Iced Pot Stickers

Beef Iced Pot Stickers

by Squirrelfish 77

4.6 (1)







To cook your favorite food is to give you the best love.
I know, your favorite is this beef iced potsticker. Every time I cook how much, how much you eat, I know, that is the return of your love to me. It’s the Chinese Valentine's Day, and I will make a pot of your favorite beef ice-flower pot stickers for you. I hope you eat healthy and have a great body!


Beef Iced Pot Stickers

1. 1. Add clean water to the flour, stir it with chopsticks first, and then knead it into a smooth dough. The dough will be rough at first, regardless of the smoothness, it does not matter. After standing for 15 minutes, knead the dough again and it will become smooth and delicate. Cover the lid and let it stand for 20 minutes.

Beef Iced Pot Stickers recipe

2. 2. Add five-spice water to the beef filling (the method of making the spice-free water will be explained in the fish chat later in the article), cooking wine, pepper, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, oil consumption, salt, and stir in one direction. Finally add sesame oil, chicken essence or chicken powder and stir well.

Beef Iced Pot Stickers recipe

3. Wash the cowpeas well, blanch them in a pot until cooked, remove them to cool, chop them, add an appropriate amount of edible oil and mix well, then add the meat filling, mix well, and the beef and cowpea fillings are ready.

Beef Iced Pot Stickers recipe

4. 4. Take out the dough, knead it well, take a small piece, knead it into a long strip, then cut it into small doses, and roll it into a round dumpling slice with a rolling pin.

Beef Iced Pot Stickers recipe

5. 5. Take a dumpling wrapper, place it on the four fingers of your left hand, and hold it.

Beef Iced Pot Stickers recipe

6. 6. Pinch the middle, no need to pinch on both sides, open up, in this way, a small potsticker is made. Do everything else in turn.

Beef Iced Pot Stickers recipe

7. 7. Heat the pan, put a little cooking oil, and arrange the pot stickers in order, not too far away or too close. The distance is too far for a while to put the surface water can not stick together, too close to all squeeze together in advance without ice flower shape.

Beef Iced Pot Stickers recipe

8. 8. Turn on medium and low heat, and slowly fry the bottom of the potstickers until golden brown. Pay attention to the heat, it will get muddy when the fire is too big.

Beef Iced Pot Stickers recipe

9. 9. Pour in the pre-adjusted surface water and cover the pot. Turn the heat to the lowest and fry them slowly. When the surface water dries up, ice blossoms will form on the bottom. Shake the pot lightly to separate the pot stickers from the pot, and then pour out the pot stickers. Pay attention to the heat, first reduce the heat, slowly fry until cooked, and finally increase the heat slightly, and drain the surface water.

Beef Iced Pot Stickers recipe


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