Beef Spinach Soup with Vermicelli and Chicken Sauce

Beef Spinach Soup with Vermicelli and Chicken Sauce

by Jamie 4448303

4.9 (1)







Today, I cooked a soup with chicken sauce, it tastes very delicious, you can try it if you like it!


Beef Spinach Soup with Vermicelli and Chicken Sauce

1. Heat oil in a pan, add the green onions and fry them until they are fragrant, and put in a large bowl of water

Beef Spinach Soup with Vermicelli and Chicken Sauce recipe

2. Add chicken juice, mix well, boil

Beef Spinach Soup with Vermicelli and Chicken Sauce recipe

3. Soak the vermicelli in advance, add to the pot and cook for 1 minute

Beef Spinach Soup with Vermicelli and Chicken Sauce recipe

4. Add beef slices (I bought the beef slices clean, so you can burn them out of the refrigerator)

Beef Spinach Soup with Vermicelli and Chicken Sauce recipe

5. Add spinach

Beef Spinach Soup with Vermicelli and Chicken Sauce recipe

6. The chicken sauce has a taste, no need to add salt

Beef Spinach Soup with Vermicelli and Chicken Sauce recipe


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