Braised Noodles with Chicken and Beans

Braised Noodles with Chicken and Beans

by Hani 22

4.9 (1)







I like simple cooking in summer, and braised noodles have almost become my first choice. The staple food, vegetables, and meat are all in one pot, and I feel that braised noodles are quick and delicious. The key is to save trouble. You only need to make what you like. After frying the ingredients and simmering with fresh noodles for a few minutes, you can eat a bowl of fragrant braised noodles, which is simply the first choice for lazy people.
Braised noodles & steamed noodles, when I make braised noodles, I like to simmer them directly in the pot. My mother likes to steam the noodles in advance and then simmer them in the pot. The method is similar, but the taste feels like There is still a slight difference. The steamed noodles are more vigorous than the braised noodles, while the stuffy noodles are not so vigorous, so you can make braised noodles according to your preference.


Braised Noodles with Chicken and Beans

1. Prepare the ingredients

2. Ingredients are ready

Braised Noodles with Chicken and Beans recipe

3. Soak the sweet potato vermicelli in a pot with cold water to soften

4. Cut the chicken breast into long strips, and cut the beans into sections

Braised Noodles with Chicken and Beans recipe

5. Use cooking wine, white pepper, and starch for the chicken breasts. Marinate for about 15 minutes

6. Heat the pan, pour in the right amount of cooking oil, pour in the chicken breast, stir fry on high heat until white, set aside

Braised Noodles with Chicken and Beans recipe

7. Pour the green onion, ginger and garlic into the pot and stir fry for a fragrance

8. Add beans

Braised Noodles with Chicken and Beans recipe

9. Stir fry evenly

10. Add chicken breast

Braised Noodles with Chicken and Beans recipe

11. Stir fry again evenly

12. Add sweet potato vermicelli

Braised Noodles with Chicken and Beans recipe

13. Stir fry evenly

14. Add 350ml of water, add 1 spoon of dark soy sauce, 1 spoon of light soy sauce, half a teaspoon of thirteen spices and half a teaspoon of caster sugar, and bring a little salt to boil over high heat

Braised Noodles with Chicken and Beans recipe

15. Put the fresh noodles on top of the beans, turn to low heat and simmer for 6 minutes, turn over and simmer for about 3 minutes

16. Finally, add the other half of the minced garlic over high heat to collect the juice, and add the chicken essence to enhance the flavor before being out of the pot.

Braised Noodles with Chicken and Beans recipe


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