Braised Ribs

Braised Ribs

by Husband is the best

5.0 (1)







I use braised ribs for this dish, which is very fragrant! "


Braised Ribs

1. Wash the ribs first and remove the blood in a pot of boiling water.

Braised Ribs recipe

2. Remove the bloody ribs and put them in cold water to soak for a while.

Braised Ribs recipe

3. Put the seasonings except the white sugar into the pressure cooker, add an appropriate amount of water or old marinade, put in the ribs, turn on the power, and braise the meat.

Braised Ribs recipe

4. Pick out the marinated ribs and set aside.

Braised Ribs recipe

5. Open the fire, pour in a small amount of cooking oil, add two spoons of white sugar, and saute the sugar color slowly over a low heat.

Braised Ribs recipe

6. Use a spatula to stir constantly until the sugar melts and fry until it turns into a beautiful golden brown.

Braised Ribs recipe

7. When it is golden brown, quickly pour in the ribs and stir fry so that each rib is covered with beautiful golden yellow juice, then add the braised soup just now, cover and cook for about 10 minutes; (remember to strain out the seasoning! Because the stir-frying step needs to be done quickly, I couldn't take a picture, sorry!).

Braised Ribs recipe

8. After about 10 minutes, collect the juice on high heat and turn off the heat.

Braised Ribs recipe

9. The finished picture is very fragrant! My husband ate half of the pot at a time, hehe! !

Braised Ribs recipe


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