Cantonese Cranberry Mooncake

Cantonese Cranberry Mooncake

by Sheep kitchen

4.7 (1)




1h 30m



The fried kidney bean fillings were a little wet, and the baked mooncakes became very moist after overnight, and when the mooncakes were held by hand, the crust felt very wet and sticky. I know in my heart that this is not oil return, but the water in the filling has returned to the skin. Fortunately, I just did a few hands-on exercises, and just fry the kidney bean fillings again.
In fact, I am really scared of frying stuffing. I keep frying and my arms are sore. Now the weather is not too cold, and I will be sweaty after a few turns. However, in the end, I bite the bullet and re-fried, adding some boiled cranberry jam, which turned into cranberry filling, and it tasted with a little bit of sweet and sour fruit, which was no longer so monotonous. And the color has also become dark red, which is more beautiful than the previous color.
The finished picture was taken a day later, the oil has returned, it looks very moisturized, the skin does not look very wet and sticky, and the kidney bean filling has been transformed successfully.
With the amount of 100 grams of flour, I made 13 moon cakes, and there is still some stuffing left.

Cantonese Cranberry Mooncake

1. Put the inverted syrup, soap and peanut oil into a bowl

Cantonese Cranberry Mooncake recipe

2. Stir well and sift into the flour

Cantonese Cranberry Mooncake recipe

3. Use a rubber spatula to cut and mix evenly (don't over cut and mix, just don't have dry powder)

Cantonese Cranberry Mooncake recipe

4. Put it in a fresh-keeping bag and seal it, let it stand for 1 hour before using

Cantonese Cranberry Mooncake recipe

5. Cranberries are well weighed. Finely chop, put in a non-stick pan, add water and sugar

Cantonese Cranberry Mooncake recipe

6. Bring to a boil, turn to low heat and simmer after boiling. Stir it from time to time during the cooking process to prevent it from sticking

Cantonese Cranberry Mooncake recipe

7. Boil until the water is almost evaporated and it is in the state of viscous jam.

Cantonese Cranberry Mooncake recipe

8. Put it in the white kidney bean filling

Cantonese Cranberry Mooncake recipe

9. After mixing evenly, this is the color

Cantonese Cranberry Mooncake recipe

10. Add 35 grams of cooked flour to the mixed cranberry filling (this is based on the dryness and humidity of your filling, add more if it is wet, add less if it is dry, and the mixed filling should be moderately dry and wet)

Cantonese Cranberry Mooncake recipe

11. Finally, stir evenly and let cool for later use

Cantonese Cranberry Mooncake recipe

12. Start making moon cakes, 50g mold, 3:7 ratio, divide the crust into 15g each, the filling into 35g each, rounded

Cantonese Cranberry Mooncake recipe

13. Take a portion of the crust, pat it into a pie, and wrap it in the filling

Cantonese Cranberry Mooncake recipe

14. Flip your hands so that the fillings are facing down and the pie crust is facing upwards, and slowly push the pie crust down with your hands. When it's more than a half, turn it over again and slowly gather it up with the tiger’s mouth

Cantonese Cranberry Mooncake recipe

15. Finally, pinch tightly at the interface and round it

Cantonese Cranberry Mooncake recipe

16. Take a cake base, sprinkle some dry flour, and roll it again. Sprinkle a layer of dry flour in the moon cake mold and shake it evenly. Then pour out the flour and put it in the moon cake base.

Cantonese Cranberry Mooncake recipe

17. Press out the shape in the baking tray, and preheat the oven at 190 degrees (if the room is not dry, but the oven is baked in time, it is not necessary to spray water)

Cantonese Cranberry Mooncake recipe

18. After preheating, put the cake into the middle of the oven, and bake for 5 minutes at 190 degrees. Take out and let cool

Cantonese Cranberry Mooncake recipe

19. Gently brush a layer of egg liquid on the patterned protrusions of the moon cake bread. Pay attention that there is no egg liquid in the recesses. Preheat the oven again, and bake the middle layer at 190 degrees for 5 minutes. Take it out and let it sit for 5 minutes

Cantonese Cranberry Mooncake recipe

20. Preheat the oven for the last time, bake at 190°C for 5-8 minutes, take out the mooncakes after the surface is satisfied with the color, let cool and store in a sealed place

Cantonese Cranberry Mooncake recipe


The baking is done in three times, namely: bake for 5 minutes-let cool-brush the egg mixture-bake for 5 minutes-air for 5 minutes-bake for another 5 minutes, the egg mixture is an egg yolk and a small spoonful of egg white. Evenly, brush gently, only brush the raised areas of the pattern, and don't have egg liquid in the recesses, otherwise the pattern will not be obvious. The baking temperature and time are adjusted according to the temper of your own oven.


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