Cantonese-style Moon Cakes

Cantonese-style Moon Cakes

by Duoyun 3602

5.0 (1)







The moon cakes that I had prepared for a few days were finally out. From making lotus paste filling, inverting syrup to moon cakes, I regretted that I shouldn't make moon cakes by myself in the process, but I didn't have this idea at all when I ate them. The family said it was delicious. The oil return made this time was very good. I baked it yesterday and it didn’t look very beautiful on the surface. After a day’s exposure, it completely changed. I think the process is quite magical. The mooncakes made by myself have a lot of thin fillings and this kind of fillings. My family likes it very much.

Cantonese-style Moon Cakes

1. Add liquid soap and oil to invert syrup and mix well

Cantonese-style Moon Cakes recipe

2. Add flour and milk powder

Cantonese-style Moon Cakes recipe

3. Make it into a smooth dough, cover with plastic wrap and proof for 1 hour

Cantonese-style Moon Cakes recipe

4. Knead the lotus seed paste into a ball and prepare it

Cantonese-style Moon Cakes recipe

5. Prepare the salted egg yolk

Cantonese-style Moon Cakes recipe

6. Divide the awake dough into 10g portions and 10 equal portions

Cantonese-style Moon Cakes recipe

7. Divide a lotus seed paste into two parts, squash and put on the egg yolk

Cantonese-style Moon Cakes recipe

8. Flatten the other half of the lotus seed paste on the lid, squeeze it, and round it

Cantonese-style Moon Cakes recipe

9. Roll out a pie crust and put lotus paste filling on it

Cantonese-style Moon Cakes recipe

10. Then push the pie crust upwards. This step is not easy to operate. Take it slowly, not too strong, or it will break easily.

Cantonese-style Moon Cakes recipe

11. Push it until it wraps the stuffing and becomes a ball

Cantonese-style Moon Cakes recipe

12. Dip some flour on the ball to prevent sticking, put it into the mold and press

Cantonese-style Moon Cakes recipe

13. The pressed mooncakes are placed on a baking tray lined with tin foil

Cantonese-style Moon Cakes recipe

14. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees, spray some water before entering the oven, and fire up and down. Bake the middle and upper layer for 5 minutes and then take out the egg-shabu liquid on the surface, and bake for another 13 minutes.

Cantonese-style Moon Cakes recipe


1. The egg wash on the surface is made with one egg yolk and one-half of the egg white, only the surface of the mooncake is rinsed, and the side is not rinsed;
2. The weight of this recipe is 10 50g moon cakes, the ratio of the skin to the filling is 1:4, that is, 50g moon cakes, 10 grams of skin, filling: egg yolk plus lotus paste, a total of 40 grams;
3. The soap used in the formula is mixed with edible soda noodles and water, and the ratio of the blending is 1:3, that is, 1 g of soda noodles to 3 g of water can be mixed into 4 g of soap, and the soap can neutralize the acidity of the syrup. , So that the moon cakes are easy to color when they are baked.


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