Celery Beef Dregs

Celery Beef Dregs

by Minger Kitchen

4.6 (1)







I got off work late today, and I didn't want to move when I got home tired, so I wanted to cook something simple and effortless. Fortunately, it is only me and Erbao who have dinner. It is easier to cook with less food, after all, as long as it suits the taste of both of us. I rummaged through the refrigerator and found a piece of beef, but I thought that beef is more resistant to cooking, so I wanted to give up, but Erbao wanted to eat it, so I thought of the old father's method of frying meat residue. It saves time and tastes delicious, whether it is used for rice or burrito. After posting to the circle of friends, friends commented: You can eat a full meal with just one dish! So eat this dish today!


Celery Beef Dregs

1. First process the ingredients, chop the beef into minced meat; remove the leaves of celery, wash and chop into celery pieces; cut the green onion and ginger for later use.

Celery Beef Dregs recipe

2. Heat up the pan and heat oil, add ginger slices and minced beef in the oil and stir fry.

Celery Beef Dregs recipe

3. Fry until the minced meat changes color, pour in the soy sauce, adjust the vinegar to a low taste, and continue to stir fry with the vinegar and chopped green onion.

Celery Beef Dregs recipe

4. Pour in the chopped celery, cover the minced meat first, simmer for a while, then stir fry.

Celery Beef Dregs recipe

5. Finally, stir-fry until the celery is broken, and the ground beef is well cooked. Add salt, stir fry the MSG evenly, and then it will be out of the pot.

Celery Beef Dregs recipe


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