Cold Pea Sprouts

Cold Pea Sprouts

by Xiaoyu Kitchen

4.7 (1)







I spent a lot of money to buy this thing that day and bought two big bags. It’s much better if the refrigerator is broken. I sorted it out for a long time. Throw away all the bad ones. It's a pity. Used for cold dressing. In summer, porridge is very easy to eat this light super match.


Cold Pea Sprouts

1. Wash the pea sprouts and soak in salt water for 20 minutes

Cold Pea Sprouts recipe

2. Boil water in a pot until boiling. Put a spoonful of salt

Cold Pea Sprouts recipe

3. Open pea sprouts in water and blanch for 15 seconds

Cold Pea Sprouts recipe

4. Immediately take it out and let it cool and boil inside

Cold Pea Sprouts recipe

5. Take a bowl. Add the right amount of salt. soy sauce. sesame oil

Cold Pea Sprouts recipe

6. Just mix evenly

Cold Pea Sprouts recipe


Boiled pea sprouts in brine will be very bright green in brine. The scalded pea sprouts should be kept cool and boiled. Otherwise, the salt water will quickly turn yellow. Tap water cannot be used.


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