

by Granulated Sugar 777

4.7 (1)







Pig heart is a tonic food. Since ancient times, there has been a saying that viscera is used to replenish the entrails, and the heart is used to replenish the heart. Therefore, the pig heart has the effect of nourishing the heart and blood, soothing the nerves and relieving shock, and tonic! A simpler and more convenient way to eat, eat it with cold, not greasy or greasy and refreshing! "



1. Prepare old ginger and sliced green onion leaves

Coleslaw recipe

2. On high heat, add water that can indulge the boiled pig's heart in the pot, and add a spoonful of cooking wine

Coleslaw recipe

3. Put in 1, cover and boil water

Coleslaw recipe

4. pig heart

Coleslaw recipe

5. Pig heart cut

Coleslaw recipe

6. Wash away the blood

Coleslaw recipe

7. Put it in the pot and cook

Coleslaw recipe

8. You need to turn over and boil the pig's heart halfway. You can use the chopsticks to insert it and try if it is cooked. If there is blood overflow after inserting, it is not fully cooked.

Coleslaw recipe

9. When the pig heart is cooking, we prepare the cold seasoning, the beauty pepper and the red hot pepper are finely chopped, the chives and the green onion are chopped, and the garlic and ginger are minced.

Coleslaw recipe

10. Take a bowl and put five-spice powder

Coleslaw recipe

11. Put in the pepper noodles

Coleslaw recipe

12. Add half a spoon of pepper oil, a spoon of sesame oil, and a spoon of sunflower oil

Coleslaw recipe

13. Put sugar in

Coleslaw recipe

14. A little MSG

Coleslaw recipe

15. Two spoons of light soy sauce

Coleslaw recipe

16. A spoonful of spicy oil

Coleslaw recipe

17. A pinch of ripe white sesame seeds

Coleslaw recipe

18. Put the 9 steps, chopped green onion and other ingredients into a bowl and mix well

Coleslaw recipe

19. Now use chopsticks to stick the bloodless water to prove that the pig heart is cooked

Coleslaw recipe

20. Let it cool and slice it, put it in a shape you like, sprinkle some chopped green onion on the surface first

Coleslaw recipe

21. Pour 19 on the surface of 21 and sprinkle with chopped green onion

Coleslaw recipe

22. It's like a flower, so I named it "cold dressing flower heart"

Coleslaw recipe


1. The most important thing for cold dishes is the combination of condiments. If you are a beginner, remember not to add too much of the various condiments, especially salt. 2. Prepare all the condiments for reference, you can increase or decrease according to your own washing.


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