Colorful Striped Dumplings ︱ Beautiful and Delicious!

Colorful Striped Dumplings ︱ Beautiful and Delicious!

by Water pity

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There is a saying in the north, "It's not delicious but dumplings". It can be seen that dumplings are the most delicious food in the eyes of us northerners. Today I will share with you a colorful dumpling with tempered noodles, with my favorite shrimp three fresh fillings, with the help of a chef machine, it is easy to get it, but I don’t know if you like it or not.


Colorful Striped Dumplings ︱ Beautiful and Delicious!

1. Prepare all the ingredients.

Colorful Striped Dumplings ︱ Beautiful and Delicious! recipe

2. First start to adjust the fillings, add the meat fillings with oyster sauce and low-salt soy sauce, mix well and marinate for at least half an hour, pick the leeks, wash, drain and chop them, then add peanut oil and mix well.

Colorful Striped Dumplings ︱ Beautiful and Delicious! recipe

3. Then add the leeks, minced meat, and shrimp with a little salt, mix well and set aside.

Colorful Striped Dumplings ︱ Beautiful and Delicious! recipe

4. Next, mix the noodles, add 95 grams of flour with a kind of fruit and vegetable powder, and add 50 grams of purified water.

Colorful Striped Dumplings ︱ Beautiful and Delicious! recipe

5. Simply whipping into a small dough with a chef machine does not need to be smooth, and it can also be simply pressed into a dough by hand.

Colorful Striped Dumplings ︱ Beautiful and Delicious! recipe

6. The extension of the head of the cook machine is equipped with a noodle press.

Colorful Striped Dumplings ︱ Beautiful and Delicious! recipe

7. Use a rolling pin to simply flatten the dough, spread a little flour, starting from the thickest, and press repeatedly until the dough is smooth and thin. (It is easy to break when pressed, and white powder can be seen. It needs to be folded in half and pressed several times. If there is white flour, the thickness can be reduced and pressed again after forming. Just one time.)

Colorful Striped Dumplings ︱ Beautiful and Delicious! recipe

8. Then the colors are staggered and stacked. Remember to put a little water on the surface of each stack, so that the stickiness will be firmer and will not crack.

Colorful Striped Dumplings ︱ Beautiful and Delicious! recipe

9. After folding, use a knife to cut into 0.4-0.5cm wide strips, and cut them as evenly as possible, and then cut the cut strips face up, that is, the striped side up, and the strips are placed neatly between each other. A little water should be applied to the surface of one strip.

Colorful Striped Dumplings ︱ Beautiful and Delicious! recipe

10. Roll it gently with a rolling pin, then put it in the noodle machine and press it again into a smooth sheet.

Colorful Striped Dumplings ︱ Beautiful and Delicious! recipe

11. Press it into a circle with a cutting die, and the dumpling wrapper will be ready.

Colorful Striped Dumplings ︱ Beautiful and Delicious! recipe

12. Wrap the stuffing, fold it in half, and pinch the edges. It is best not to squeeze, as it will easily affect the shape of the stripes. (Are the cooked dumplings beautiful?)

Colorful Striped Dumplings ︱ Beautiful and Delicious! recipe


The ratio of flour to water is not absolute and needs to be adjusted according to the draught of flour.


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