Connected to The Flesh Pizza

Connected to The Flesh Pizza

by Dragon Baby Chen Nuo (Chen Xiaoying)

4.6 (1)







The pizza is made at home, the ingredients are fresh and visible, and the taste is great. Originally wanted to make black pepper beef tenderloin pizza, the child said he didn't like beef, so I asked him to give him something New Orleans. It just so happens that the home is connected to the flesh and blood of New Orleans, coupled with the sausages that children love to eat, the pizza made is piled high, all meat, and the cost is less than 20 yuan, which is really affordable.

Connected to The Flesh Pizza

1. Prepare the ingredients for pizza dough

Connected to The Flesh Pizza recipe

2. Put the ingredients in step 1 into the bread machine and select the pizza dough program (kneading dough for 15 minutes + fermentation for 10 minutes)

Connected to The Flesh Pizza recipe

3. Meat and vegetables ready for pizza

Connected to The Flesh Pizza recipe

4. Shred the green pepper, shred the red pepper, and shred the onion

Connected to The Flesh Pizza recipe

5. Put the vegetables in step 4 in the middle and lower layers of the oven, and roast them at 150 degrees for 5 minutes

Connected to The Flesh Pizza recipe

6. Cut the sausage into thin slices, connect the flesh and bones, and cut into small pieces, and cut the longer pieces into small pieces.

Connected to The Flesh Pizza recipe

7. Put the meat in step 6 in the middle and lower layer of the oven, and bake at 150 degrees for 8 minutes

Connected to The Flesh Pizza recipe

8. After the pizza dough is fermented, take it out and gently press to vent it, and stretch it on the kneading pad to an 8-inch size. You can also use a rolling pin to roll it into an 8-inch size.

Connected to The Flesh Pizza recipe

9. Put the dough in the pizza pan and poke holes with a fork to prevent the dough from bulging during the baking process

Connected to The Flesh Pizza recipe

10. Put the pizza dough into the lower layer of the preheated oven, heat up to 190°C and lower the heat to 175°C to bake for 10 minutes

Connected to The Flesh Pizza recipe

11. The mozzarella is chopped up, and the ones bought in the summer are basically a tuft when you receive it.

Connected to The Flesh Pizza recipe

12. After the pizza dough is cooked, spread a layer of tomato sauce, sprinkle some mozzarella cheese, and spread the sausage slices.

Connected to The Flesh Pizza recipe

13. Sprinkle the second layer of shredded mozzarella cheese, spread the bones and connect them

Connected to The Flesh Pizza recipe

14. Sprinkle the third layer of shredded mozzarella cheese, spread with vegetables, and finally sprinkle with shredded mozzarella cheese

Connected to The Flesh Pizza recipe

15. Put it in the middle and lower level of the preheated oven, and bake for 10 minutes at 190°C and 175°C, because the ingredients have been cooked in advance, just melt the mozzarella cheese.

Connected to The Flesh Pizza recipe

16. After the pizza comes out of the oven, cut into pieces and eat it while it's hot

Connected to The Flesh Pizza recipe

17. The pizza you make yourself has more ingredients

Connected to The Flesh Pizza recipe


1. You can buy semi-finished products directly
2. Roast the vegetables ahead of time with steam, which is more delicious
3. All the ingredients are cooked in advance, which can prevent the mozzarella cheese from baking, and the other ingredients are still half-baked.
4. The temperature and time of the oven can be flexibly adjusted according to the common oven


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